Authority Cited: Wotton
Author name and dates: Henry Wotton (1568-1639)
BKG Bio-tweet: Oxford studies; foreign travel; diplomat for James I at Venice; poet; trans. Pollio Arch.; Eton Provost; fished with Walton
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 270 Wotton cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 300 Wotton cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. Fourteen Wotton cites were identified as added in vol. 1 of the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below. The edition of the title below used by SJ is unknown. The only Wotton text regularly specifically identified in the 1755 Dict. Wotton citations appears to be Wotton's Architecture. Headwords (38) from the letter "A" with Wotton cites are given below. No differences in quotes were noted between the 1651 and 1672 texts.]
Reliquiae Wottonianae, or, A collection of lives, letters, poems with characters of sundry personages : and other incomparable pieces of language and art : also additional letters to several persons, not before printed / by the curious pencil of the ever memorable Sir Henry Wottan Kt. Late Provost of Eaton Colledge, The Third Edition, with large Additions. 1672, London: Printed by T. Roycroft for R. Marriott, F. Tyton, T. Collins and J. Ford (1st ed. 1651. per Wimsatt, Philosophic Words, p. 160)
Author name and dates: Henry Wotton (1568-1639)
BKG Bio-tweet: Oxford studies; foreign travel; diplomat for James I at Venice; poet; trans. Pollio Arch.; Eton Provost; fished with Walton
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 270 Wotton cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 300 Wotton cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. Fourteen Wotton cites were identified as added in vol. 1 of the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below. The edition of the title below used by SJ is unknown. The only Wotton text regularly specifically identified in the 1755 Dict. Wotton citations appears to be Wotton's Architecture. Headwords (38) from the letter "A" with Wotton cites are given below. No differences in quotes were noted between the 1651 and 1672 texts.]
Reliquiae Wottonianae, or, A collection of lives, letters, poems with characters of sundry personages : and other incomparable pieces of language and art : also additional letters to several persons, not before printed / by the curious pencil of the ever memorable Sir Henry Wottan Kt. Late Provost of Eaton Colledge, The Third Edition, with large Additions. 1672, London: Printed by T. Roycroft for R. Marriott, F. Tyton, T. Collins and J. Ford (1st ed. 1651. per Wimsatt, Philosophic Words, p. 160)
- A Concept Of some Observations Intended Upon Things most Remarkeable in the Civil History of this Kingdom; and likewise in the State of the Church.; (per Wimsatt: contexture)
- Of King William the First; acquisitive; avale;
- A Description of the Countreys Recreations; a;
- THE ELECTION OF THE NEW DUKE OF VENICE After the Death of GIOVANNI BEMBO; nomination (cited as Wotton's D. of Venice);
- Elements of Architecture & Preface; affection; amass (amasse in text); apertion; architect; architrave; area; artisan; astrological; aviary; bakehouse; . . . chymic (chemick in text); concavity; depression; detract; lordship; (per Yale Vol. 18, p. 310, the Dict. quote for natural [naturallest] is on p. 79 of this work. per Wimsatt: concenture, metallick, rarefaction)
- THE FIRST CHAPTER OR SECTION; Touching the Search of Natural Capacities and Inclinations; authoritative;
- Life and Death of George Villiers, the late Duke of Buckingham; a; abodement; abstract; accumulation; affinity; affluence; affrightment; ally; ambulatory; appeachment; as; aspect; assasinate; associate; astrologer (same quote as aspect); . . . conceive;. . . deduce (cited as Wotton's Buck.); discuss; embroider;. . . transportible; (per Wimsatt: concomitant, eccentricity, luminary)
- Of Robert Devereau, Earl of Essex and George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham; academical; accostable; adjunct; aftergame; (after-game in text); afterproof (after-proof in text); apposite; apprentice; atrocity; aversation; disassiduity; elevation;. . . gesture (cited as Wooton's Life of Buckingham); . . . susceptible (erroneously cited as Watts in 1773 Dict.) (per Wimsatt: tumour)
- Survey of Education; anchorage;
- Tears at the Grave of Sir Albertus Morton (who was buried at Southampton) wept by Sir H. Wotton; accent;
- THE APHORISMS OF EDUCATION: The way to Knowledg by Epitomies is too streight, by Commentaries too much about; extend;
- Upon the death of Sir Albert. Morton's Wife; try;
- THE LIFE OF Sir HENRY WOTTON (by Isaac Walton); conscionable [BKG Note: inexact quote, SJ converts a Walton comment to a statement in Wotton's Will - perhaps from memory.]
- Wotton (no work cited); insensible [BKG Note: not found in the titles above and no Wotton Roman History was located. Quotation not found in Echerd, Hooke or Goldsmith. The quote has been repeated as by Wotton by many subsequent authors, apparently based on the SJ Dict. quote. 1773 Dict.: "Accept an obligation without being a slave to the giver, or insensible to his kindness. Wotton's Rom. Hist."]