Authority Cited: Whitgift; Whitgifte
Author name and dates: John Whitgift (1530?-1604)
BKG Bio-tweet: Ostentatious church official; carried out Q. Elizabeth’s policy: Bacon tutor; Act passed made Puritanism an offense
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 14 Whitgift cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 47 cites in Dict. vol. 2. Two cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italics below. No texts dated later than the titles below were identified before the 1755 publication of the Dict. The quoted material was not found in John Strype's 1718 Acts of Whitgift. About 13 quotes were noticed as being used for two headwords. SJ often modernizes the orthography and abridges the quotations.]
Author name and dates: John Whitgift (1530?-1604)
BKG Bio-tweet: Ostentatious church official; carried out Q. Elizabeth’s policy: Bacon tutor; Act passed made Puritanism an offense
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 14 Whitgift cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 47 cites in Dict. vol. 2. Two cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italics below. No texts dated later than the titles below were identified before the 1755 publication of the Dict. The quoted material was not found in John Strype's 1718 Acts of Whitgift. About 13 quotes were noticed as being used for two headwords. SJ often modernizes the orthography and abridges the quotations.]
- An ansvvere to a certen libel intituled, An admonition to the Parliament, by Iohn VVhitgifte, D. of Diuinitie. 1572 , Imprinted at London, by Henrie Bynneman for Humphrey Toy; [BKG Note: on examination of a 19th century Works, it appears that all of the Whitgift quotes are from the title below.]
- The defense of the aunsvvere to the Admonition against the replie of T.C. By Iohn VVhitgift Doctor of Diuinitie. In the beginning are added these. 4. tables. 1 Of dangerous doctrines in the replie. 2 Of falsifications and vntruthes. 3 Of matters handled at large. 4 A table generall. 1574, Printed at London : By Henry Binneman, for Humfrey Toye; clear (added in 1773 Dict., cleane in the 1574 text, perhaps from memory); deface (added in 1773 Dict., same quote as slander in 1755 Dict.); dig; diocess; discreet; divers; draw; election; fantasy (same quote as draw); forth; function; general; impossibility; improve; indifference (quote also found in 1572 title above); keep; lawyer; lewd (quote also found in 1572 title above); list; material; meet (same quote as election); mine (same quote as dig); notable; notify (not in 1773 Dict., same quote as notable); notorious; object; order (same quote as object); overrule; overshoot; papistical; papistry (quote also found in 1572 title above); possible (same quote as impossibility); practitioner (same quote as papistical); prejudice; priesthood; quote (quote also found in 1572 title above); repentance; reprove; seclude (same quote as function); seeing; senior; sequel; show (quote also found in 1572 title above); sinister; skill; slander; slenderness; stand; still (quote also found in 1572 title above); stretch; subscribe (quote also found in 1572 title above); such (quote also found in 1572 title above); tag (quote also found in 1572 title above); through (same quote as such, quote also found in 1572 title above); uncivil; unworthy; void (same quote as lewd, quote also found in 1572 title above); utter (same quote as sinister); waywardly (Whitegifte); wink (same quote as reprove); word; wring (quote also found in 1572 title above); yet (quote also found in 1572 title above) [BKG Note: most if not all of the Whitgift citations appear to be from the first part of Tractate 3: Of the Election of Ministers. The editor of the 1851 Parker Society edition of Whitgift's Works says there were two 1574 editions with slightly different texts, and somewhat different texts published in 1572 and 1573. The Parker Society edition is based on the two 1574 publications. The edition used by SJ has not been determined. The first Whitgift cites in the 1755 Dict. are under the letter "D."]