Authority Cited: Holyday
Author name and dates: Barten Holyday (1593-1661)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric; poet; trans. Horace, Juvenal, Persius; SJ thought him more scholar and critic than poet, cites sermons
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: no Holyday cites were found in the 1755 Dict. Four Holiday cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict. vol. 1, all under the letter "G"; 61 cites added in Dict. vol. 2. Reddick, in The Making of Johnson's Dictionary, indicates (p.122) 62 cites added in 1773 Dict. vol. 2. A brief look at the title below identified some citations. Other citations are likely from this title.]
Author name and dates: Barten Holyday (1593-1661)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric; poet; trans. Horace, Juvenal, Persius; SJ thought him more scholar and critic than poet, cites sermons
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: no Holyday cites were found in the 1755 Dict. Four Holiday cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict. vol. 1, all under the letter "G"; 61 cites added in Dict. vol. 2. Reddick, in The Making of Johnson's Dictionary, indicates (p.122) 62 cites added in 1773 Dict. vol. 2. A brief look at the title below identified some citations. Other citations are likely from this title.]
- Against Disloyalty fower sermons preached in the times of the late troubles, by Barten Holyday, D.D., Arch-deacon of Oxford, and Chaplain to his late Majesty, Charles the First, of Blessed Memory. 1661, Oxford : Printed by W.H. for Sam. Pocock; giddiness (giddinesse, p.14); gluttony; good (p.42); grain (p.31); non (p.85); orb (orbe, p.8); paradox (paradoxe, p.15); penknife (p.25); presbyterian (presbyterial, p.25); presbytery (p.25); superexaltation (p.83, thanks to Prof. Beth Young for locating); unity (p.37); witch (p.74); witchcraft (p.62); zeal (p.19, zeale in text);
- Holyday (no work cited); object; obviously; one; overseen; overvalue; owe; palpable; paw; peace; perambulation; perpetual; phlebotomy; prejudicial; primate; punishment; purity; quaint; quarrel; question; rapture; ready; recusant; relative; remember; renew; round; royalty; sluttish (Holiday); so; softness, sottishness; staff; strength; study; subject; subordination; theft; thus (2); to; topical; treason; understanding; uproar (Holiday); waver; wealth; weight; wellfare; whether; worthy;