- Authority Cited: Milton
BKG Bio-tweet: Poet; Cromwell Latin Secretary; blind by 1654; fame delayed after Restoration; SJ: epic not greatest only because not first
- Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 2,700 Milton cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 4,180 Milton cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. About 302 Milton cites were identified as added in 1773 Dict. vol. 1, indicated in bold italic below. Reddick in The Making of Johnson's Dictionary, p.121, indicates that 200 Milton cites were added in vol. 2 of the 1773 Dict. The editions of Milton used for the 1755 Dict. are not known, but could be the titles listed below. See Reddick, pp.106, 123-130 for SJ's use of T. Newton's concordance of Paradise Lost for additions in the 1773 Dict.]
On Education: An essay on education. By John Milton, Author of Paradise Lost, &c., 1752, London: printed, and sold by Charles Corbett in Fleet-Street; T. Trye in Holborn; and J. Jolliffe in St. James's Street; attainment; benefit; conduct; conjurement; covert; cowardice; enginery; expenseless; facile; fetch; flat; flower; foreign; fugue; gentle; ground; ingenuous; linguist; lock; magnanimously; mean; nightward; overmaster; perfection; secucement (corrected to seducement in 1773 Dict.); seeing; staid; stripling; unexpedient; unfit; unimaginable; unlearned; unprincipled; unrecruitable; unsweat;
Paradise Lost: Paradise lost. A poem, in twelve books. The author John Milton. A new edition, with notes of various authors, by Thomas Newton, D.D., volume 1, volume 2, 1749, London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper in the Strand; abash; abolish (2); abominable (v.2, p.249); achieve; acknowledge; acquittance; actual; adamant; adverse (2);. . . [about 1,460 P. Lost cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1]; dress [BKG Note: unattributed in 1755 Dict.]; . . . sojourn;
Paradise Regained: Paradise regain'd. A poem, in four books. To which is added Samson Agonistes: and Poems upon several occasions. The author John Milton. A new edition, with notes of various authors, by Thomas Newton, D. D., 1752, London: printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper in the Strand [BKG Note: see images of Paradise Regained volume Table of Contents below.]
- Paradise Regained; accident; advantage; adverse; ariel; affront; . . . [102 total named P. Regained cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1]; oracle; parallax; peel; sojourn; warfare; waylay; wild; wonder; worthy.
- Christ’s Nativity; aghast; axle;
- Comus [A Mask]; about; aidless; applause; arbitrate; ashore; axle; disfigurement;
- Epitaph on the Marchioness of Windsor; acquaint;
- Il Pensero; astray; aye; quote for hermitage from ll. 167-172 per yale Vol. 18, p. 353
- L’ Allegro; asleep; quote for cynosure from l. 80 per Yale Vol. 18, p. 31.
- Lycidas: remorseless; rhyme; trick;
- Poems; bandit; ominous;
- Samson Agonistes; abject; ability; acquist; adamantean; adjure; . . . (119 total named Agonistes cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1)
- Sonnets; sonnet;
- Milton (no work cited); adjoin; admit; adorn; anglicism; apply; apprehensive; aspirer; bedeck; betoken; betray (2); blind; boast (3); boast; both; break; breathe; burden; burn; burst; character; charmed; choral; clad; clear (5); clear; clear; close; clothe; cloud; cold (2); cold; collect; combat; comfort; commit; compact; companion; compel; complaint; complete; conceive; concord (2); condense; confirm (3); confound (2); confuse; conquer; consecrate; consent (2); contain (4); contemn; continual; continue (4); contract; copious (3); cover (5); council (2); counsel; courtesy; crawl; craze (2); credulous; crime (2); crowtoe; damask; decent; delay; descend; devote; discover (7); disease; disease; dismal (3); distant (2); distort; disturb; dog; doubt (2); doubtful (5); dreadful (2); dromedary; dubious; east; eastern; elect; elegantly; elevate; elf; eloquence; elves (same quote as elf); emblazonry; end; enormous; enter; enter; err; exhort; expect (5); experience; experience; eyebright (def.); fail(7); fail (2); faint; falsehood (3); far (2); feed; feign; female (5); fight; fill (4); find (9); first (2); follow (5); force; forcible (2); forgive; form (4); fortify; found; fragrant; fraud; fright (2); frugal; fruitful (2); full (5); furious; further (4); gain; gain (7); gift (4); glad (5); glass; good (6); good (4); grand (2); great (21); grieve; ground (3); hail; harm; harmony; hear (2); hear; hidden; hiss; hold (8); hold (2); hold; horrent; horrible (2); horrid; huge; hymn; incline; incomprehensible; incorporate; incorporeal; inferior; instead (2); [302 Milton cites added in 1773 Dict. vol. 1]