Authority Cited: Verstegan [Rowlands, Richard]
Author name and dates: Richard Rowlands (1550-1640) [Verstegan]
BKG Bio-tweet: b. Verstegan (Dutch); Saxon studies; became catholic, left Oxford, England; wrote, pub. in Antwerp; SJ cites V. in etym.
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: Three Verstegan cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, two Verstegan cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. No Verstegan cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict. The edition of the title below used by SJ is unknown. The 1st edition of the title was 1605. In Johnson the Philologist, 1988, Diasuke Nagashima suggests (pp.166-169) that the views of Minsheu, Casaubon, Somner, and Verstegan for some headwords were adduced and discussed via their entries in Skinner rather than in source volumes.]
Author name and dates: Richard Rowlands (1550-1640) [Verstegan]
BKG Bio-tweet: b. Verstegan (Dutch); Saxon studies; became catholic, left Oxford, England; wrote, pub. in Antwerp; SJ cites V. in etym.
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: Three Verstegan cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, two Verstegan cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. No Verstegan cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict. The edition of the title below used by SJ is unknown. The 1st edition of the title was 1605. In Johnson the Philologist, 1988, Diasuke Nagashima suggests (pp.166-169) that the views of Minsheu, Casaubon, Somner, and Verstegan for some headwords were adduced and discussed via their entries in Skinner rather than in source volumes.]
- Restitution of Decayed Intelligence concerning the most noble and Renowned English Nation by the study and travel of R.V. 1673, London: Printed for Samuel Mearne, John Martyn and Henry Herringman; crone (pp. 370-371); king (pp. 235, 348-349, see also Weinbrot, Howard, Aspects of Samuel Johnson, 2005, p, 395); Saturday (pp. 85-86); vixen (p.371, under Fixen)
- Verstegan (no work cited); dirge (quote not found in Verstegan, but found in Cowell, Interpreter, 1658; also a footnote in John Gay's Sheperd's Week, and attributed to Cowell, Interpreter)