Authority Cited: Macbean; Macbean’s Remonstrance
Author name and dates: Alexander Macbean (d.1784)
BKG Bio-tweet: SJ Dictionary amanuensis; briefly librarian; translator; book indexes; SJ uses in etym.; quotes from poem
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: 5 Macbean cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2, no Macbean cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict. Item 32 in The Sale Catalogue of Samuel Johnson's Library, A Facsimile Edition, Fleeman, ed. is 6. MacBean's Dictionary . . . etc. Greene, in Samuel Johnson's Library, An Annotated Guide, says this is the Dictionary of Ancient Geography, 1773, to which SJ contributed the Preface.]
Author name and dates: Alexander Macbean (d.1784)
BKG Bio-tweet: SJ Dictionary amanuensis; briefly librarian; translator; book indexes; SJ uses in etym.; quotes from poem
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: 5 Macbean cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2, no Macbean cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict. Item 32 in The Sale Catalogue of Samuel Johnson's Library, A Facsimile Edition, Fleeman, ed. is 6. MacBean's Dictionary . . . etc. Greene, in Samuel Johnson's Library, An Annotated Guide, says this is the Dictionary of Ancient Geography, 1773, to which SJ contributed the Preface.]
- Remonstrance [BKG Note: title not found - suggestions appreciated]; salubrious (not in 1773 Dict.: "Must we then resign our worthy pastor to the salubrious air of Kiltearn, rather than he should longer breathe in the grosser vapours of Inverness?")
- Macbean (no work cited, etm. and def. are likely personal communications); loord (etm.); mounch (etm.); scale (poem, not in 1773 Dict.: "In contemplation’s scale I’ll soar,/And be enraptur’d more and more;/Whilst thus new matter of surprise/In each gradation shall arise."); sorehon (def.)