Authority Cited: [Rudyerd or Rudyard] Rudgerd
Author name and dates: Benjamin Rudyerd or Rudyard (1572-1658)
BKG Bio-tweet: Poet, Ben Jonson friend; Providence Company incorporator; privateer investor; MP-opposed King's trial, excluded from House
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: one Rudyerd cite added in 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italics below. The quotation is inexact, perhaps from memory from SJ's readings while cataloguing the Harleian Library]
Text: "There were then, as now, many accusations on foot against scandalous ministers. I was bold to tell the house, that there were scandalous livings too, which were much the cause of the other."
Author name and dates: Benjamin Rudyerd or Rudyard (1572-1658)
BKG Bio-tweet: Poet, Ben Jonson friend; Providence Company incorporator; privateer investor; MP-opposed King's trial, excluded from House
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: one Rudyerd cite added in 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italics below. The quotation is inexact, perhaps from memory from SJ's readings while cataloguing the Harleian Library]
- Sir Benjamin Rudyerd's Speech against Scandalous Livings, in Memoirs of Sir Benjamin Rudyerd : containing his speeches and poems : to which are added the letters of his great-great-grandson Benjamin Rudyerd, ed. by James Alexander Manning, of the Inner Temple, 1841, London: T. & W. Boone, New Bond Street; p. 135. Said to be from an unpublished manuscript in the Harleian Library, spoken by Rudyerd in January 1628 in a committee upon religion. bold
Text: "There were then, as now, many accusations on foot against scandalous ministers. I was bold to tell the house, that there were scandalous livings too, which were much the cause of the other."