Salernum, School of; Schol. Sal.
Salmasius [Claudius]; Saumaise [Claude]
Salmon’s Survey; Salmon [Nathanael]
[Sanderson, Robert] Saunderson; Sanderson
Sandys [George]; San.
Savage [Richard]
Savary [Jacques Savary du Bruslon and Louis-Philemon Savary]
Scaliger [Joseph Justinian]
Scotch Proverb
Sea Dict. [Capt. John Smith]
[Sedley, Charles] Sidley
Seed’s Sermons [Jeremiah]
Selden [John]
Sewel [George Sewell]
Shadwell [Thomas]
Shakespeare [William]
Sharpe [Samuel]; Sharp.
Shaw [Peter]
Shaw; Shaw’s Gramm. [Samuel]
Shelvock [Shelvocke, George]
Sherburne [Edward]
Sherlock [Thomas]
Sidney [Philip]
Skelton [Philip]
Skinner [Stephen]
Smalridge [George]; Smallridge
Smart [Christopher]
Smith [Edmund]
Smith [John]
Somerville [William]
Somner [William]
Song of the King and the Miller
South [Robert]
Southern[e]; Southerne [Thomas]
Sparrow, Dr. [Anthony]
Spectator [Addison and Steele]
Speedwell [spurious entry in abstr. ed; “speedwell“ used in definition of brooklime]
Spelman [Henry]
Spenser [Edmund]; Hubberd’s Tale; Fairy Queen
Spratt [Sprat, Thomas]
Steele [Richard]
Steevens [George]
Stephens [William]; Stephens' Sermons
Stepney [George]
Sternhold [Thomas]
Stillingfleet [Edward]
Stone [Edmund]
[Strype] Memoir in Strype [John]
Suckling [John]
Swift [Jonathan]; Gulliver
Sylvester [Joshua]
52 (Freed: 36)
Salmasius [Claudius]; Saumaise [Claude]
Salmon’s Survey; Salmon [Nathanael]
[Sanderson, Robert] Saunderson; Sanderson
Sandys [George]; San.
Savage [Richard]
Savary [Jacques Savary du Bruslon and Louis-Philemon Savary]
Scaliger [Joseph Justinian]
Scotch Proverb
Sea Dict. [Capt. John Smith]
[Sedley, Charles] Sidley
Seed’s Sermons [Jeremiah]
Selden [John]
Sewel [George Sewell]
Shadwell [Thomas]
Shakespeare [William]
Sharpe [Samuel]; Sharp.
Shaw [Peter]
Shaw; Shaw’s Gramm. [Samuel]
Shelvock [Shelvocke, George]
Sherburne [Edward]
Sherlock [Thomas]
Sidney [Philip]
Skelton [Philip]
Skinner [Stephen]
Smalridge [George]; Smallridge
Smart [Christopher]
Smith [Edmund]
Smith [John]
Somerville [William]
Somner [William]
Song of the King and the Miller
South [Robert]
Southern[e]; Southerne [Thomas]
Sparrow, Dr. [Anthony]
Spectator [Addison and Steele]
Speedwell [spurious entry in abstr. ed; “speedwell“ used in definition of brooklime]
Spelman [Henry]
Spenser [Edmund]; Hubberd’s Tale; Fairy Queen
Spratt [Sprat, Thomas]
Steele [Richard]
Steevens [George]
Stephens [William]; Stephens' Sermons
Stepney [George]
Sternhold [Thomas]
Stillingfleet [Edward]
Stone [Edmund]
[Strype] Memoir in Strype [John]
Suckling [John]
Swift [Jonathan]; Gulliver
Sylvester [Joshua]
52 (Freed: 36)
Word where authority first noticed
Salernum, School of; Schol. Sal.; C-comfort
Salmasius [Claudius]; Saumaise [Claude]; M-mummy
Salmon’s Survey; Salmon [Nathanael]; D-desecrate
[Sanderson, Robert] Saunderson; Sanderson; A-alcoran
Sandys [George]; San.; D-delinquency
Sappho; G-green
Savage [Richard]; E-elevate; (4th) B-by; E-effulge; L-lose
Savary [Jacques Savary du Bruslon and Louis-Philemon Savary]; A-acacia
Scaliger [Joseph Justinian]; A-amen
Scotch Proverb; L-leverook
Sea Dict.; B-bolt-rope
[Sedley, Charles] Sidley; A-afeared
Seed’s Sermons [Jeremiah]; R--relish
Selden [John]; (4th) S-synodick; T-temporal
Sewel [George Sewell]; R-reciprocate; (4th) G-guidance
Shadwell [Thomas]; F-fire
Shakespeare [William]; A-a
Sharpe [Samuel]; Sharp.; A-adult
Shaw [Peter]; C-chymistry
Shaw; Shaw’s Gramm. [Samuel]; F-ferula
Shelvock [Shelvocke, George]; S-swab
Sherburne [Edward]; (4th) I/J-interpreter
Sherlock [Thomas]; (4th) H-hatred
Sidney [Philip]; A-abandon
Skelton [Philip]; U/V-unstinted
Skinner [Stephen]; A-atter; M-mail (mail etym. not in 4th)
Smalridge [George]; Smallridge; C-cut
Smart [Christopher]; D-delfe; (4th) T-thatch
Smith [Edmund]; A-amaze
Smith [John]; A-antanaclasis (Smith’s Rhetoric)
Somerville [William]; (4th) C-cell
Somner [William]; A-aspen
Song; T-truth
Song of the King and the Miller; L-lambs-wool
South [Robert]; A-abhorrence
Southern[e]; Southerne [Thomas]; A-abominate
Spectator [Addison and Steele]; Addison’s Spectator; A-affectation
Speedwell [spurious entry in abstr. ed] (“speedwell“ used in definition of brooklime)
Spelman [Henry]; A-arbitrable
Spenser [Edmund]; Hubberd’s Tale; Fairy Queen; A-aband
Spratt [Sprat, Thomas]; A-absolutely
Steele [Richard] to Pope; R-ruminate; (4th) G-gazeteer; L-leave
Steevens [George] (4th) B-bumbast
Stephens [William]; Stephen’s Sermons; F-forgery
Stepney [George]; A-appeal
Sternhold [Thomas]; R-read
Steuart; (4th) G-gunstick
Stillingfleet [Edward]; A-about
Stone [Edmund]; Stone’s Dict.; A-angle
[Strype] Memoir in Strype [John]; F-forth
Suckling [John]; A-advisedly
Swift [Jonathan]; Gulliver; A-abatement
Sylvester [Joshua]; P-periwig
Salernum, School of; Schol. Sal.; C-comfort
Salmasius [Claudius]; Saumaise [Claude]; M-mummy
Salmon’s Survey; Salmon [Nathanael]; D-desecrate
[Sanderson, Robert] Saunderson; Sanderson; A-alcoran
Sandys [George]; San.; D-delinquency
Sappho; G-green
Savage [Richard]; E-elevate; (4th) B-by; E-effulge; L-lose
Savary [Jacques Savary du Bruslon and Louis-Philemon Savary]; A-acacia
Scaliger [Joseph Justinian]; A-amen
Scotch Proverb; L-leverook
Sea Dict.; B-bolt-rope
[Sedley, Charles] Sidley; A-afeared
Seed’s Sermons [Jeremiah]; R--relish
Selden [John]; (4th) S-synodick; T-temporal
Sewel [George Sewell]; R-reciprocate; (4th) G-guidance
Shadwell [Thomas]; F-fire
Shakespeare [William]; A-a
Sharpe [Samuel]; Sharp.; A-adult
Shaw [Peter]; C-chymistry
Shaw; Shaw’s Gramm. [Samuel]; F-ferula
Shelvock [Shelvocke, George]; S-swab
Sherburne [Edward]; (4th) I/J-interpreter
Sherlock [Thomas]; (4th) H-hatred
Sidney [Philip]; A-abandon
Skelton [Philip]; U/V-unstinted
Skinner [Stephen]; A-atter; M-mail (mail etym. not in 4th)
Smalridge [George]; Smallridge; C-cut
Smart [Christopher]; D-delfe; (4th) T-thatch
Smith [Edmund]; A-amaze
Smith [John]; A-antanaclasis (Smith’s Rhetoric)
Somerville [William]; (4th) C-cell
Somner [William]; A-aspen
Song; T-truth
Song of the King and the Miller; L-lambs-wool
South [Robert]; A-abhorrence
Southern[e]; Southerne [Thomas]; A-abominate
Spectator [Addison and Steele]; Addison’s Spectator; A-affectation
Speedwell [spurious entry in abstr. ed] (“speedwell“ used in definition of brooklime)
Spelman [Henry]; A-arbitrable
Spenser [Edmund]; Hubberd’s Tale; Fairy Queen; A-aband
Spratt [Sprat, Thomas]; A-absolutely
Steele [Richard] to Pope; R-ruminate; (4th) G-gazeteer; L-leave
Steevens [George] (4th) B-bumbast
Stephens [William]; Stephen’s Sermons; F-forgery
Stepney [George]; A-appeal
Sternhold [Thomas]; R-read
Steuart; (4th) G-gunstick
Stillingfleet [Edward]; A-about
Stone [Edmund]; Stone’s Dict.; A-angle
[Strype] Memoir in Strype [John]; F-forth
Suckling [John]; A-advisedly
Swift [Jonathan]; Gulliver; A-abatement
Sylvester [Joshua]; P-periwig