Fairfax [Edward]
Fanshaw [Richard]
Farquhar [George]
Farrier’s Dict.
Felibien [Andre]
Fell [John]
Felton [Henry]
Fenton [Elijah]
Ferne [Henry] Bishop
Fiddes [Richard]
Fielding [Henry]
Fisher [John]
Fitzgerald [Thomas]
Flatman [Thomas]
Fleetwood [William]
Fletcher [John]
Fletch, P. [Phineas Fletcher]
Floyer [John]
Forbes [Duncan]
Fortunatus; Ven. Fort. [Venantius Fortunatus]
Fox [John Foxe]
Francis [I] of France
Freeholder - see Addison
Freind [John]; (Friend in Abstr.)
[Fryer, John] Fryer's Travels
24 (Freed: 17)
Fanshaw [Richard]
Farquhar [George]
Farrier’s Dict.
Felibien [Andre]
Fell [John]
Felton [Henry]
Fenton [Elijah]
Ferne [Henry] Bishop
Fiddes [Richard]
Fielding [Henry]
Fisher [John]
Fitzgerald [Thomas]
Flatman [Thomas]
Fleetwood [William]
Fletcher [John]
Fletch, P. [Phineas Fletcher]
Floyer [John]
Forbes [Duncan]
Fortunatus; Ven. Fort. [Venantius Fortunatus]
Fox [John Foxe]
Francis [I] of France
Freeholder - see Addison
Freind [John]; (Friend in Abstr.)
[Fryer, John] Fryer's Travels
24 (Freed: 17)
Word where authority first noticed
Fairfax [Edward]; A-accordance
Fanshaw [Richard]; F-fagend
Farquhar [George]; C-coax, S-span (Farqhuar), 4th) B-brogue
Farrier’s Dict.; A-amble
Felibien [Andre]; B-bass-relief
Fell [John]; R-revulsive; (4th) G-gainsayer
Felton [Henry]; A-adulteration
Fenton [Elijah]; A-ambient
Ferne [Henry] Bishop; (4th) D-digamy, disciplinary
Fiddes [Richard]; C-cohabit
Fielding [Henry]; (4th) H-humour
Fisher [John]; O-or
Fitzgerald [Thomas]; (4th) B-bedlamite; G-gain
Flatman [Thomas]; G-ghastly
Fleetwood [William]; I/J-inoffensive
Fletcher [John], Flet. Q. of Cor.; C-circle
Fletch, P. [Phineas Fletcher]; F-foreslow
Floyer [John]; A-anchovy
Forbes [Duncan]; I/J-impious
Fortunatus; Vent. Fort. [Venantius Fortunatus]; A-abbot; H-harp
Fox [John Foxe]; T-trump
Francis [I] of France; H-harlequin
Freeholder- see Addison
Freind [John]; (Friend in Abstr.); F-foible
[Fryer, John] Fryer's Travels: P-punch (4th ed.)
Fairfax [Edward]; A-accordance
Fanshaw [Richard]; F-fagend
Farquhar [George]; C-coax, S-span (Farqhuar), 4th) B-brogue
Farrier’s Dict.; A-amble
Felibien [Andre]; B-bass-relief
Fell [John]; R-revulsive; (4th) G-gainsayer
Felton [Henry]; A-adulteration
Fenton [Elijah]; A-ambient
Ferne [Henry] Bishop; (4th) D-digamy, disciplinary
Fiddes [Richard]; C-cohabit
Fielding [Henry]; (4th) H-humour
Fisher [John]; O-or
Fitzgerald [Thomas]; (4th) B-bedlamite; G-gain
Flatman [Thomas]; G-ghastly
Fleetwood [William]; I/J-inoffensive
Fletcher [John], Flet. Q. of Cor.; C-circle
Fletch, P. [Phineas Fletcher]; F-foreslow
Floyer [John]; A-anchovy
Forbes [Duncan]; I/J-impious
Fortunatus; Vent. Fort. [Venantius Fortunatus]; A-abbot; H-harp
Fox [John Foxe]; T-trump
Francis [I] of France; H-harlequin
Freeholder- see Addison
Freind [John]; (Friend in Abstr.); F-foible
[Fryer, John] Fryer's Travels: P-punch (4th ed.)