Authority Cited: Sternhold
Author name and dates: Thomas Sternhold (1500-1549)
BKG Bio-tweet: Courtier under Henry VIII; first metrical version of the Psalms in English; SJ quotes (under read) later, supplemented, book
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG note: later editions of Sternhold's Psalms were supplemented by John Hopkins, Thomas Norton, John Markant. One Sternhold quotation was identified in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. No Sternhold cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict.]
"The man is blest that hath not lent [bent],
To wicked read his ear"
Author name and dates: Thomas Sternhold (1500-1549)
BKG Bio-tweet: Courtier under Henry VIII; first metrical version of the Psalms in English; SJ quotes (under read) later, supplemented, book
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG note: later editions of Sternhold's Psalms were supplemented by John Hopkins, Thomas Norton, John Markant. One Sternhold quotation was identified in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. No Sternhold cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict.]
- The Whole book Psalms, Collected into English metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others. Conferr'd with the Hebrew. Set forth and allowed to be sung in all churches, of all the people together, before and after morning and evening prayer; and also before and after sermons; and moreover in private houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all ungodly songs and ballads, which tend only to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth. 1718, London: Printed by Susannah Collins, for the Company of Stationers; read
"The man is blest that hath not lent [bent],
To wicked read his ear"