Authority Cited: Hakewell [Hakewill]; Hakewill
Author name and dates: George Hakewill (1578-1649)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric; Calvinist outlook; JB thought Hakewill’s strong prose style formative of SJ’s
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 65 Hakewill (including Hakewell) cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 74 Hakewill cites in vol. 2. Of the 26 "Hakewell" cites appearing under the letters "A' thru "D" in the 1755 Dict., all but one, under die, were corrected to Hakewill in the 1773 Dict. Some cites are to "Hakewill on Providence," and the remainder to "Hakwill" or an abbreviation. Three Hakewill cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic in the list below. The edition of the title below used by SJ is unknown. The 1st edition was 1627. Of the 40 Hakewill citations sampled, all were located in the third edition of the title below.]
Author name and dates: George Hakewill (1578-1649)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric; Calvinist outlook; JB thought Hakewill’s strong prose style formative of SJ’s
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 65 Hakewill (including Hakewell) cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 74 Hakewill cites in vol. 2. Of the 26 "Hakewell" cites appearing under the letters "A' thru "D" in the 1755 Dict., all but one, under die, were corrected to Hakewill in the 1773 Dict. Some cites are to "Hakewill on Providence," and the remainder to "Hakwill" or an abbreviation. Three Hakewill cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic in the list below. The edition of the title below used by SJ is unknown. The 1st edition was 1627. Of the 40 Hakewill citations sampled, all were located in the third edition of the title below.]
- An apologie or declaration of the power and providence of God in the government of the world.
Consisting in an examination and censvre of the common errovr tovching natvres perpetuall and universall decay, divided into six bookes. Whereof the first treates of this pretended decay in generall ... The second of the pretended decay of the heavens and elements ... The third of the pretended decay of mankinde ... The fourth of this pretended decay in matter of manners ... The fifth and sixth are spent in answering objections, made since the second impression. By George Hakewill, Doctour of Divinitie and Archdeacon of Surrey, The Third Edition, revised, 1635, Oxford: Printed by William Turner, Printer to the famous Universitie; altercation (p.298); bat (p.376, unnoticed typesetter error: "fryed in iron chairs" in text, "fried in arm chairs" in Dict.); beat (2) (p.20, p.63); beatifically (p.577); calling (p.264); dainty (p.423); die (p.595); eat (p.412); exlemplarily (p.587, "present justice"in text, "future justice" in Dict.); famishment (p.425); glancingly (p.296); gilthead (p.429, "guilthead" in text); gnatsnapper (p.435); hammer (p.265); icon (p.303); jump (p.319); lavation (p.352); massiness (p.423, same quote as dainty); neap (p.140); omniscious (p.325); palate (p.422, "pallates" in text); quadrate (p.172); quail (p.76); rattle (p.368) ; relish (p.422, same quote as "palate"); satiety (p.16); stalkinghorse (p.604); star (p.93, Hakewill translates Claudian verses on Archimedes); tinder (p.408); unimpairable (p.115, unimpaireable in text); (p.113); wane (p.77); wax (p.77, same quote as wane); yield (p.587, "yeeld" in text); - Hakewill (no work cited);