Authority Cited: James’s Voyage
Author name and dates: Thomas James (1593-1635)
BKG Bio-tweet: Welsh sea-captain; explored southern Hudson’s Bay; book influenced Coleridge’s Rime
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: one James's Voyage cite in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. No Capt. James cites were identified as added the 1773 Dict.]
Author name and dates: Thomas James (1593-1635)
BKG Bio-tweet: Welsh sea-captain; explored southern Hudson’s Bay; book influenced Coleridge’s Rime
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: one James's Voyage cite in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. No Capt. James cites were identified as added the 1773 Dict.]
- Strange and dangerous voyage of Captaine Thomas Iames in his intended discouery of the Northwest Passage into the South Sea: vvherein the miseries indured both going, wintering, returning, and the rarities obserued, both philosophicall and mathematicall, are related in this iournall of it, published by His Maiesties command: to which are added, a plat or card for the sayling in those seas, diuers little tables of the author's, of the variation of the compassse &c.: vvith an appendix concerning longitude by Master Henry Gellibrand Astronomy Reader of Gresham Colledge in London, and an aduise concerning the philosophy of these late discoueryes by W.W., 1633, London: Printed by Iohn Legatt for Iohn Partridge; mammock [BKG Note: Dict.: "The ice was broken into large mammocks." 1633 text, p.100: ". . . we were in the middest of the ice: but with the last storm it was all broken into mammocks, as large as a boate of 3- or 4-tunnes . . . ." Quote not found in the 18th century editions which read "broken into pieces as large as . . . ." SJ therefore used or recalled the1633 edition phrasing.]
- James, T. (no work cited)