Authority Cited: Corbet, Bp.; Corbet [Corbett, Richard]
Author name and dates: Richard Corbett (or Corbet) (1582-1635)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric, chaplain to James I, bishop; by some accounts, unfocused; witty and elegant poetry, posthumously published
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: one Bp. Corbet cite in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, 12 cites in Dict. vol. 2. No additional Corbet cites were identified in the 1773 Dict. The edition of the title below used by SJ is unknown, but likely the 1672 3rd edition as several Dict. quotations (under headwords sizar, tollbooth, vital, and unpoetical) are not in the 1647 edition, and the 3rd edition title indicates that it is enlarged. No edition of Corbet's Poems between 1672 and the 1755 Dict. publication date was found. The 1st edition of Bp. Corbet's Poems was 1647, the 2nd edition, 1648.]
Certain elegant poems, written by the Right Reverend Dr. Corbet, Late Lord Bishop of Norvvich. The Third Edition, Corrected and enlarged. 1672, London: printed by J.C. for William Crooke, at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar.
Author name and dates: Richard Corbett (or Corbet) (1582-1635)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric, chaplain to James I, bishop; by some accounts, unfocused; witty and elegant poetry, posthumously published
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: one Bp. Corbet cite in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, 12 cites in Dict. vol. 2. No additional Corbet cites were identified in the 1773 Dict. The edition of the title below used by SJ is unknown, but likely the 1672 3rd edition as several Dict. quotations (under headwords sizar, tollbooth, vital, and unpoetical) are not in the 1647 edition, and the 3rd edition title indicates that it is enlarged. No edition of Corbet's Poems between 1672 and the 1755 Dict. publication date was found. The 1st edition of Bp. Corbet's Poems was 1647, the 2nd edition, 1648.]
Certain elegant poems, written by the Right Reverend Dr. Corbet, Late Lord Bishop of Norvvich. The Third Edition, Corrected and enlarged. 1672, London: printed by J.C. for William Crooke, at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar.
- A Poem by way of Interlude, presented in Latine before the King at Cambridge; sizer; tollbooth;
- An Eligie on the Death of Queen Anne; vital; unpoetical;
- Iter Boreale; puck; unbeaten; weight; whale;
- On Great Tom of Christ-Church; pin;
- On the Earl of Dorset's Death; unpitied;
- To His Son, Vincent Corbet; wealth;
- To the Lord Mordant, on his return from the North; waiter;
- Upon Mistris Mallet; inquisition
- Corbet, Bp. (no work cited);