Authority Cited: Tusser
Author name and dates: Thomas Tusser (c.1524-1580)
BKG Bio-tweet: Chorister; Oxford; 10 years as Court musician; then farmer; then college servant; Husbandry poem also records Tudor proverbs
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 65 Tusser cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1 and about 163 cites in Dict. vol. 2. SJ appears to have not entered Tusser cites until the letter "F", with only a few cites added in earlier letters. The approximately 75 headwords sampled below are principally from "A' through "F," "L," and "W." About 8 Tusser cites were added in vol. 1 of the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below. No Tusser cites were identified as added in vol. 2 of the 1773 Dict. The edition of Husbandry that SJ used is unknown. However, since SJ quotes from a note that appears in the 1710 and 1744 editions, I conclude that he used one of these editions. SJ may have used the notes, without attribution, in the explanation of obsolete headwords.]
Author name and dates: Thomas Tusser (c.1524-1580)
BKG Bio-tweet: Chorister; Oxford; 10 years as Court musician; then farmer; then college servant; Husbandry poem also records Tudor proverbs
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 65 Tusser cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1 and about 163 cites in Dict. vol. 2. SJ appears to have not entered Tusser cites until the letter "F", with only a few cites added in earlier letters. The approximately 75 headwords sampled below are principally from "A' through "F," "L," and "W." About 8 Tusser cites were added in vol. 1 of the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below. No Tusser cites were identified as added in vol. 2 of the 1773 Dict. The edition of Husbandry that SJ used is unknown. However, since SJ quotes from a note that appears in the 1710 and 1744 editions, I conclude that he used one of these editions. SJ may have used the notes, without attribution, in the explanation of obsolete headwords.]
- Five hundred points of husbandry: directing what corn, grass, &c. is proper to be sown; what trees to be planted; how land is to be improved: with whatever is fit to be done for the benefit of the farmer in every month of the year. By Thomas Tusser, Esq; To which are added notes and observations explaining many obsolete terms used therein, and what is agreeable to the present Practice in several Counties of this Kingdom. A Work very necessary and useful for Gentlemen, as well as Occupiers of Land, whether Wood-Ground or Tillage and Pasture. 1744, London : printed for M. Cooper in Pater-Noster-Row ; and sold by John Duncan in Berkley-Square, near Grovesnor-Street. An earlier edition is: Five Hundreth Pointes of Good Husbandrie & Note (expanded ed., 1573). The first edition was A hundreth good pointes of husbandrie, 1557 London: printed for M. Cooper in Pater-Noster-Row and sold by John Duncan in Berkley-Square, near Grovesnor-Street.; addle (added in 1773 Dict.); carle (added in 1773 Dict.); climber (added in 1773 Dict.); crone (added in 1773 Dict.); cog (added in 1773 Dict.); crotch (added in 1773 Dict.); dallop; earth; edder; embering; fan; far; farrow; fee; fellowlike/fellowly; fet; fetch; fey; filch; filly; fimble; fitch; flawn (added in 1773 Dict., same quote as wake); flea; flote; foison (2); foistiness; for; forbearer; fork; fritter; froth; frower; furmenty; further; furze (sp. furz in 1773 Dict.); gap; geld; gelder; gentile; get; go; goel; gove; to gove; graff/graft; grass; great; grist; growthnol (growthead); grutch; hand-barrow; harrow; harvest-lord; ladder; lash; lay; leese; lift; light; ling; loiterer; lord (same quote as harvest-lord); losel; lubber; lurk; mane; rowen; sedge (not in 1773 Dict.); wafer; wake; wanty; weather; weedhook; wennel; whin; whiplash; whipt; whitemeat; whitleather; wing; wood; woodseere; workmanly; wriggle;
- Notes on Tusser; rowen; [There were 1710 and 1744 editions of Tusser's Husbandry with explanatory notes, SJ summarizes a note on p. 104 of the 1744 edition. The notes are by Daniel Hillman, according to the original Oxford DNB. I have found no information on Hillman.]
- Of Singing Boys; breast (added in 1773 Dict.) [BKG Note: this Tusser quote, "The better breast, the lesser rest" is quoted in the notes to Warburton's edition of Shakespeare (Twelfth Night). The earlier source has not been identified.]