Authority Cited: Wallis
Author name and dates: John Wallis (1616-1703)
BKG Bio-tweet: Mathematician; cryptographer; developer of calculus; mental calc.; also pub. grammar; twister rhyme trans. from French
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: Three Wallis cites in 1755 Dict. vol.1, two Wallis cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. Two Wallis cites were added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italics below.]
Johannis Wallis, S.T.D. Geometrix Professoris Savilliani In Celebirrima Academia Oxeniensi; atque Regalis Societatis Londoni Sodalis; Grammatica linguae anglicanae cui praefigitur de loquela sive sonorum formatione tractatus grammatico-physicus: et (nunc primum) subjungitur praxis grammatica, editio quarta, prioribus auctior. 1674, Oxoniae: Typis L. Lichfield, Acad. Typog. Et prostant venales apud Joh. Crosley, ibidem; a (etym.); hobgoblin (etym.); least (etym.); twister (pp.164-165. see image below from 1674 edition, which is the earliest edition to include the Praxis); woman (etym., p.78 in the 1765 edition)
Author name and dates: John Wallis (1616-1703)
BKG Bio-tweet: Mathematician; cryptographer; developer of calculus; mental calc.; also pub. grammar; twister rhyme trans. from French
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: Three Wallis cites in 1755 Dict. vol.1, two Wallis cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. Two Wallis cites were added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italics below.]
Johannis Wallis, S.T.D. Geometrix Professoris Savilliani In Celebirrima Academia Oxeniensi; atque Regalis Societatis Londoni Sodalis; Grammatica linguae anglicanae cui praefigitur de loquela sive sonorum formatione tractatus grammatico-physicus: et (nunc primum) subjungitur praxis grammatica, editio quarta, prioribus auctior. 1674, Oxoniae: Typis L. Lichfield, Acad. Typog. Et prostant venales apud Joh. Crosley, ibidem; a (etym.); hobgoblin (etym.); least (etym.); twister (pp.164-165. see image below from 1674 edition, which is the earliest edition to include the Praxis); woman (etym., p.78 in the 1765 edition)
- Wallis (no work cited); mechanicks (definition, perhaps a reference by Harris to Mechanica, sive, De motu tractatus geometricus (1670–71)); vegete (not located in a Wallis text); SJ adds the headword Lecture, v.n. in the 1773 Dict. and gives the example "Wallis lectured on geometry."