Authority Cited: Hooker
Author name and dates: Richard Hooker (1554-1600)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric; theologian; Professor of Hebrew; defended legitimacy of Church of England
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG note: about 1110 total Hooker cites in Vol. 1 of the 1755 Dict., about 1120 cites in Vol.2. About 12 cites of Hooker added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below.]
Author name and dates: Richard Hooker (1554-1600)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric; theologian; Professor of Hebrew; defended legitimacy of Church of England
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG note: about 1110 total Hooker cites in Vol. 1 of the 1755 Dict., about 1120 cites in Vol.2. About 12 cites of Hooker added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below.]
- Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity & Preface & Dedication; Of the lawes of ecclesiastical politie eight bookes by Richard Hooker. William Hole, engraver.; John Spenser, Ano D 1617 London : Printed by Will: Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone, and are to be sold by Mat: Lownes; there were also 1612, 1622, 1639, 1662, 1666, 1676, 1682, and 1705 editions, which edition SJ used for the Dict. word list is unknown; quoted under alteration, behooveful (bk. iv), imperfection per Yale Vol. 18, p. 37. and under wretched (wretcheder) per Yale Vol. 18, p. 310. [BKG Note: the quotations in the Dict. appear not to extend beyond book v. (of viii). The quotes may therefore be from an earlier publication or publications covering only the first five books. The first edition of Books 1 to 4 appears to have been in 1593 or 1594, and Book 5 in 1597.]; abjection (b.v.); abolish (b.iii); abolishment (b.iv); above (b.i.); about (b.v.); abridgement (b.ii); abroad (2: Preface, Dedication [to the Works]); abrogate (b.iv.); circumduction; constrainedly; convict; correct; covet; determinately; disprove (added in 1773 Dict. for sense 3.); earnest (added in 1773 Dict. for sense 3.); esteem; excommunicable; extreme (sense 1. quote in 1755 Dict. only); law (3 quotes added in 1773 Dict.); needless; [Prof. Beth Young notes that preconciet is misattributed to Hooker and is the same quote as misfashion, correctly attributed to Hakewill.]
- Sermons & Preface; the 1617 edition of the Laws adds sermons and other treatises, with a To the Reader, (following p. 453) but not a Preface; the Sermons may have been published separately. The sermons were published individually in 1612. [BKG Note: this work (Sermons) is mentioned in the Freed thesis] exprobration (Sermons, Preface [BKG Note: the quotation for exprobration appears to be from the Preface to the Works])
- Hooker (no work cited);