Authority Cited: Bentley
Author name and dates: Richard Bentley (1662-1742)
BKG Bio-tweet: Churchman; respected by SJ as a classical scholar; gave first Boyle lectures; despotic master of Trinity College, Cambridge
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) BKG Note: about 290 Bentley cites in1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 290 Bentley cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. One Bentley cite was identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below.]
Author name and dates: Richard Bentley (1662-1742)
BKG Bio-tweet: Churchman; respected by SJ as a classical scholar; gave first Boyle lectures; despotic master of Trinity College, Cambridge
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) BKG Note: about 290 Bentley cites in1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 290 Bentley cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. One Bentley cite was identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below.]
- Bentley's Preface to Milton: Milton's Paradise lost. A new edition, by Richard Bentley, D.D., 1732, London: printed for Jacob Tonson; and for John Poulson; and for J. Darby, A. Bettesworth, and F. Clay, in trust for Richard, James, and Bethel Wellington; defoedation; instincted (same quote as defoedation); unextinguishable (thanks to Prof. Beth Rapp Young for pointing out that unextinguishable also shares the same quote) [BKG Note: SJ criticizes Bentley's Milton criticism in the The Plan of an English Dictionary. See Yale vol. 18 pp.50-51.]
- Sermons: The folly and unreasonableness of atheism: demonstrated from the advantage and pleasure of a religious life, the faculties of human souls, the structure of animate bodies, & the origin and frame of the world : in eight sermons preached at the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esquire, in the first year 1692 by Richard Bentley, 1693, London: Printed by J.H. for H. Mortlock (per Wimsatt, Philosophic Words, p.149, "Johnson's quotation under the word operation (Sermon 11, p. 39) shows that he used an edition earlier than the 4th, revised, of 1699 (Preface, p. vi)."); abandoned; abominableness; . . . bravado; beneficiary; . . . closeness; coherence: . . . dissolution (p.26; not found by Wimsatt in a later edition); . . . operation (p.19); . . . wideness.
- Bentley (no work cited); being; . . . calculate; callousness . . . extant (same quote as staticks); . . . staticks . . . widely; willing. [BKG Note: the "no work cited" citations appear to all be from the Sermons.]