Authority Cited: Upton, [John]
Author name and dates: John Upton (1707-1760)
Creative Commons License, National Portrait Gallery
(Sketch probably by Jane Collier)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric; classical, literary scholar; Shakespeare commentary included in SJ edition; Spenser Glossary etym. refs. in 4th ed.
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: No John Upton cites in 1755 Dict. One Upton cite added in 1773 Dict. vol. 1, two Upton cites added in 1773 Dict. vol. 2 noted in bold italic below. Son of James Upton mentioned on Ascham page. Thanks to Prof. Beth Rapp Young for noticing these 1773 Dict. additions.]
Spenser's Faerie Queene, A New Edition with a Glossary and Notes Explanatory and Critical, by John Upton, Prebendary of Rochester and Rector of Great Rissington in Glocestershire, in Two Volumes, 1758, London:: Printed for J. & R. Tonson in the Strand; aumail (aumayld in text); mum; shard [BKG Note: all cites are from the Glossary in Volume 1.]
Author name and dates: John Upton (1707-1760)
Creative Commons License, National Portrait Gallery
(Sketch probably by Jane Collier)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric; classical, literary scholar; Shakespeare commentary included in SJ edition; Spenser Glossary etym. refs. in 4th ed.
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: No John Upton cites in 1755 Dict. One Upton cite added in 1773 Dict. vol. 1, two Upton cites added in 1773 Dict. vol. 2 noted in bold italic below. Son of James Upton mentioned on Ascham page. Thanks to Prof. Beth Rapp Young for noticing these 1773 Dict. additions.]
Spenser's Faerie Queene, A New Edition with a Glossary and Notes Explanatory and Critical, by John Upton, Prebendary of Rochester and Rector of Great Rissington in Glocestershire, in Two Volumes, 1758, London:: Printed for J. & R. Tonson in the Strand; aumail (aumayld in text); mum; shard [BKG Note: all cites are from the Glossary in Volume 1.]