Bacon [Francis]
Bailey [Nathan]
Baker [Thomas]
Barker; Mrs. Barker [Jane Barker]
Bathurst [Ralph]
Baxter [Richard]
Baxter [William]
Baynard [Edward]
Beattie [James]
Beaumont [Francis]; B. and Fletcher
Beaumont [Joseph] (page to be deleted; incorrect citation)
Bentley [Richard]
Berkley [George Berkeley]
Betterton [Thomas]
Blackmore [Richard]; Black.
Blount [Edward] to Pope
Blount [Thomas]
Bluteau [Raphael]
Bochart, Samuel
Boerhaave [Herman]
Boileau [-Despreaux, Nicholas]
Bolingbroke [Henry St. John]
Bourd [Boorde, Andrew]
Bourne [Vincent]
Boyle [Robert]
Boyse, Sa. [Samuel]
Bracton [Henry de]
Bramhall [John]
Brampston [James Bramston] Man of Taste
Brerewood [Edward]
Brooke [Henry]
Broome [William]
Brown [John]
Brown[e] [Edward]
Brown[e] [Isaac Hawkins]
Brown[e] [Thomas]
Brown[e] [William]
Bruno [de Segni]
Buckingham [John Sheffield]
Buckhurst [see Dorset]
Budaeus [Guillaume Budé]
Builder’s Dict.
Bull [George]
Burnet [Thomas]
Burton [Robert]
[Butler, Samuel] Hudibras; Butler
45 (Freed: 33)
Bailey [Nathan]
Baker [Thomas]
Barker; Mrs. Barker [Jane Barker]
Bathurst [Ralph]
Baxter [Richard]
Baxter [William]
Baynard [Edward]
Beattie [James]
Beaumont [Francis]; B. and Fletcher
Beaumont [Joseph] (page to be deleted; incorrect citation)
Bentley [Richard]
Berkley [George Berkeley]
Betterton [Thomas]
Blackmore [Richard]; Black.
Blount [Edward] to Pope
Blount [Thomas]
Bluteau [Raphael]
Bochart, Samuel
Boerhaave [Herman]
Boileau [-Despreaux, Nicholas]
Bolingbroke [Henry St. John]
Bourd [Boorde, Andrew]
Bourne [Vincent]
Boyle [Robert]
Boyse, Sa. [Samuel]
Bracton [Henry de]
Bramhall [John]
Brampston [James Bramston] Man of Taste
Brerewood [Edward]
Brooke [Henry]
Broome [William]
Brown [John]
Brown[e] [Edward]
Brown[e] [Isaac Hawkins]
Brown[e] [Thomas]
Brown[e] [William]
Bruno [de Segni]
Buckingham [John Sheffield]
Buckhurst [see Dorset]
Budaeus [Guillaume Budé]
Builder’s Dict.
Bull [George]
Burnet [Thomas]
Burton [Robert]
[Butler, Samuel] Hudibras; Butler
45 (Freed: 33)
Word where authority first noticed
Bacon [Francis]; A-abbreviate
Bailey [Nathan]; A-abased
Baker [Thomas]; C-conciliar
Barker; Mrs. Barker [Jane Barker]; T-termagancy (misattributed); L-life
Bathurst [Ralph]; S-stout
Baxter [Richard]; U-unconverted (4th)
Baxter [William]; B-ball
Baynard [Edward]; L-lather
Beattie [James]; (4th) O-our
Beaumont [Francis]; B. and Fletcher; G-gord
Beaumont [Joseph]; S-syllabub
Bentley [Richard]; A-abstractly
Berkley [George Berkeley]; D-decoy
Betterton [Thomas]; C-clack
Bible; A-artillery; (1st: quote, but not citation); (4th) C-crew
Blackmore [Richard]; Black.; A-adult
Blount [Edward] to Pope; F-fall
Blount [Thomas]; A-amortise; (4th) A-abactor
Bluteau [Raphael]; C-cimeter
Bochart, Samuel; B-behemouth
Boerhaave [Herman]; C-chymistry
Boileau [-Despreaux, Nicholas]; B-bay
Bolingbroke [Henry St. John]; A-acquaintance
Bourd [Boorde, Andrew]; S-sit
Bourne [?Vincent]; M-may
Boyle [Robert]; A-abjectedness
Boyse, Sa. [Samuel]; P-predal
Bracton [Henry de]; A-affied
Bramhall [John]; A-amatory
Brampston [James Bramston], Man of Taste; B-buttery
Brerewood [Edward]; A-answerably
Brooke [Henry]; P-perseverance; S-sin
Brooks; A-animation (not in 1756 1st Ab. ed., but in 2nd Ab., 5th Ab. 1765, 6th Ab.,1779, 10th Ab., 1790; Not in 1st, 2nd, 4th Folio, not in 6th or 8th Quarto)
Broome [William]; A-ascend
Brown [John]; D-disinterestedness
Brown[e] [Edward]; (4th) G-ground
Brown[e] [Isaac Hawkins]; (4th) L-live
Brown[e] [Thomas]; A-abbreviate
Brown[e] [William]; (4th) R-reject, round
Bruno [de Segni]; A-amice
Buckingham [John Sheffield]; E-expression
Buckhurst [see Dorset]; A-at
Budaeus [Guillaume Budé]; G-gallop
Builder’s Dict.; A-architrave
Bull [George]; A-adversaria
Burnet [Thomas]; A-absorb
Burton [Robert]; A-addle
[Butler, Samuel] Hudibras, Butler; A-alimony
Bacon [Francis]; A-abbreviate
Bailey [Nathan]; A-abased
Baker [Thomas]; C-conciliar
Barker; Mrs. Barker [Jane Barker]; T-termagancy (misattributed); L-life
Bathurst [Ralph]; S-stout
Baxter [Richard]; U-unconverted (4th)
Baxter [William]; B-ball
Baynard [Edward]; L-lather
Beattie [James]; (4th) O-our
Beaumont [Francis]; B. and Fletcher; G-gord
Beaumont [Joseph]; S-syllabub
Bentley [Richard]; A-abstractly
Berkley [George Berkeley]; D-decoy
Betterton [Thomas]; C-clack
Bible; A-artillery; (1st: quote, but not citation); (4th) C-crew
Blackmore [Richard]; Black.; A-adult
Blount [Edward] to Pope; F-fall
Blount [Thomas]; A-amortise; (4th) A-abactor
Bluteau [Raphael]; C-cimeter
Bochart, Samuel; B-behemouth
Boerhaave [Herman]; C-chymistry
Boileau [-Despreaux, Nicholas]; B-bay
Bolingbroke [Henry St. John]; A-acquaintance
Bourd [Boorde, Andrew]; S-sit
Bourne [?Vincent]; M-may
Boyle [Robert]; A-abjectedness
Boyse, Sa. [Samuel]; P-predal
Bracton [Henry de]; A-affied
Bramhall [John]; A-amatory
Brampston [James Bramston], Man of Taste; B-buttery
Brerewood [Edward]; A-answerably
Brooke [Henry]; P-perseverance; S-sin
Brooks; A-animation (not in 1756 1st Ab. ed., but in 2nd Ab., 5th Ab. 1765, 6th Ab.,1779, 10th Ab., 1790; Not in 1st, 2nd, 4th Folio, not in 6th or 8th Quarto)
Broome [William]; A-ascend
Brown [John]; D-disinterestedness
Brown[e] [Edward]; (4th) G-ground
Brown[e] [Isaac Hawkins]; (4th) L-live
Brown[e] [Thomas]; A-abbreviate
Brown[e] [William]; (4th) R-reject, round
Bruno [de Segni]; A-amice
Buckingham [John Sheffield]; E-expression
Buckhurst [see Dorset]; A-at
Budaeus [Guillaume Budé]; G-gallop
Builder’s Dict.; A-architrave
Bull [George]; A-adversaria
Burnet [Thomas]; A-absorb
Burton [Robert]; A-addle
[Butler, Samuel] Hudibras, Butler; A-alimony