Authority Cited: Pearson [John]
Author name and dates: John Pearson (1613-1686)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cambridge scholar; erudite theologian, early church historian; 1662 liturgy reviewer; SJ quotes Anglican church defense
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: one Pearson cite in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, one Pearson cite in 1755 Dict. vol. 2, both indicated as from the "Creed" title below. 40 Pearson cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict. (9 in vol. 1, 31 in vol. 2). Reddick, in The Making of Johnson's Dictionary, also counts 31 Pearson additions in 1773 Dict. vol. 2. All Pearson cites added in the 1773 Dict. are indicated below in boldface italic, and are cited only as "Pearson." All of the Pearson quotations added in the 1773 Dict. were determined to be from the exposition of Article IX, "The Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints" and are found on pp.335-354 of the title below. The edition used by SJ is unknown. The 1st edition was 1659.]
An exposition of the creed. By John, Lord Bishop of Chester, The Twelfth Edition Revised and Corrected. 1741, London: printed for D. Midwinter, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, C. Hitch, T. Astley, S. Austen, and F. Gosling; connaturalness (VII, p.304); constitute (IX, p.337); glorify (IX, p.345); god (IX, p.341); godly (IX, p.345); good (IX, p.342); grace (IX, p.344); grant (IX, p.352); grow (IX, p.354); guide (IX, p.341); necessarily (IX, p.342); necessary (IX, p.352); nominal (IX, p.335); notion (IX, p.336); object (IX, p.341); oblige (IX, p.349); offence (IX, p.350); one (IX, p.340); operation (IX, p.343); opposition (IX, p.347); order (IX, p.341); originally (IX, p.343); origination (IX, p.335); parish (IX, p.346); passively (IX, p.350); perpetuity (IX, p.342); person (IX, p.337); plurality (IX, p.337); primary (IX, p.348); propound (IX, p.343); providence (IX, p.342); really (IX, p.344); reason (IX, p.348); singularity (IX, p.336); truly (IX, p.345); vindicate (I. p.54); uninterruptedly (IX, p.342); unite (IX, p.341); unity (IX, p.341); universality (IX, p.349); whom (IX, p.343); worship (IX, p.341).
Author name and dates: John Pearson (1613-1686)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cambridge scholar; erudite theologian, early church historian; 1662 liturgy reviewer; SJ quotes Anglican church defense
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: one Pearson cite in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, one Pearson cite in 1755 Dict. vol. 2, both indicated as from the "Creed" title below. 40 Pearson cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict. (9 in vol. 1, 31 in vol. 2). Reddick, in The Making of Johnson's Dictionary, also counts 31 Pearson additions in 1773 Dict. vol. 2. All Pearson cites added in the 1773 Dict. are indicated below in boldface italic, and are cited only as "Pearson." All of the Pearson quotations added in the 1773 Dict. were determined to be from the exposition of Article IX, "The Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints" and are found on pp.335-354 of the title below. The edition used by SJ is unknown. The 1st edition was 1659.]
An exposition of the creed. By John, Lord Bishop of Chester, The Twelfth Edition Revised and Corrected. 1741, London: printed for D. Midwinter, C. Rivington, A. Ward, J. and P. Knapton, T. Longman, C. Hitch, T. Astley, S. Austen, and F. Gosling; connaturalness (VII, p.304); constitute (IX, p.337); glorify (IX, p.345); god (IX, p.341); godly (IX, p.345); good (IX, p.342); grace (IX, p.344); grant (IX, p.352); grow (IX, p.354); guide (IX, p.341); necessarily (IX, p.342); necessary (IX, p.352); nominal (IX, p.335); notion (IX, p.336); object (IX, p.341); oblige (IX, p.349); offence (IX, p.350); one (IX, p.340); operation (IX, p.343); opposition (IX, p.347); order (IX, p.341); originally (IX, p.343); origination (IX, p.335); parish (IX, p.346); passively (IX, p.350); perpetuity (IX, p.342); person (IX, p.337); plurality (IX, p.337); primary (IX, p.348); propound (IX, p.343); providence (IX, p.342); really (IX, p.344); reason (IX, p.348); singularity (IX, p.336); truly (IX, p.345); vindicate (I. p.54); uninterruptedly (IX, p.342); unite (IX, p.341); unity (IX, p.341); universality (IX, p.349); whom (IX, p.343); worship (IX, p.341).