Authority Cited: Bacon
Author name and dates: Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
BKG Bio-tweet: Political (profound), literary (elegant), scientific (superficial) writer; Pope: “wisest, brightest, meanest of mankind” [BKG Note: the Pope quote was added under bright in the 1773 Dict.]
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) The works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, Lord High Chancellor of England. In four volumes. With several additional pieces, never before printed in any edition of his works. To which is prefixed, a new life of the author, by Mr. Mallet,1740. London : printed for A. Millar, against St. Clement's Church, in the Strand; Vol. iii. From Wimsatt, Philosophic Words, 1948:
"Vol. iii contains English works. The copy in the Yale Library is that marked by Johnson in compiling the Dictionary. Cf. Gordon S. Haight, "Johnson's Copy of Bacon's Works," Yale University Library Gazette, vi (1932), 67-73. ... Johnson quotes the History of Henry VII frequently in the Dictionary, but apparently used a separate edition, the text in the Yale copy being unmarked." (per Reddick in The Making of Johnson's Dictionary (204): Yale-Im. J637.+755a) [BKG Note: the only separately published History of Henry VII before 1786 appears to have been in 1621, so it is likely SJ used two sets of the Bacon works to mark for copying by his transcribers. About 2,380 Bacon cites in Dict. vol. 1, about 2,668 cites in Dict. vol. 2. About 77 Bacon cites added in 1773 Dict. vol.1, about 4 Bacon cites added in 1773 Dict. vol. 2, indicated in bold italic below. Added cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict. under "A": 16, "B": none, "C": 25;, "D": 15, "E": 11, "F": 8, "G": 1, "H": 1, "I/J": none, "K": none, "L": 1; "M": none; "N": none, "O": 1, "P": none, "Q": none, "R": 1, "S": none, "T": none, "U/V": none,"W": 1, none under Y, Z. (Reddick (95) indicates 22 Bacon cites were added under "A," none under "B" and 28 under "C." Reddick also states that, for all authors, for most lettters in Dict. vol. 1 about 75 % were "recycled" from other headwords.) Example cites are given for each source below. The titles of Bacon's works were, in most cases, not carried into the 1773 Dict., which usually only cites "Bacon."]
Author name and dates: Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
BKG Bio-tweet: Political (profound), literary (elegant), scientific (superficial) writer; Pope: “wisest, brightest, meanest of mankind” [BKG Note: the Pope quote was added under bright in the 1773 Dict.]
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) The works of Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Alban, Lord High Chancellor of England. In four volumes. With several additional pieces, never before printed in any edition of his works. To which is prefixed, a new life of the author, by Mr. Mallet,1740. London : printed for A. Millar, against St. Clement's Church, in the Strand; Vol. iii. From Wimsatt, Philosophic Words, 1948:
"Vol. iii contains English works. The copy in the Yale Library is that marked by Johnson in compiling the Dictionary. Cf. Gordon S. Haight, "Johnson's Copy of Bacon's Works," Yale University Library Gazette, vi (1932), 67-73. ... Johnson quotes the History of Henry VII frequently in the Dictionary, but apparently used a separate edition, the text in the Yale copy being unmarked." (per Reddick in The Making of Johnson's Dictionary (204): Yale-Im. J637.+755a) [BKG Note: the only separately published History of Henry VII before 1786 appears to have been in 1621, so it is likely SJ used two sets of the Bacon works to mark for copying by his transcribers. About 2,380 Bacon cites in Dict. vol. 1, about 2,668 cites in Dict. vol. 2. About 77 Bacon cites added in 1773 Dict. vol.1, about 4 Bacon cites added in 1773 Dict. vol. 2, indicated in bold italic below. Added cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict. under "A": 16, "B": none, "C": 25;, "D": 15, "E": 11, "F": 8, "G": 1, "H": 1, "I/J": none, "K": none, "L": 1; "M": none; "N": none, "O": 1, "P": none, "Q": none, "R": 1, "S": none, "T": none, "U/V": none,"W": 1, none under Y, Z. (Reddick (95) indicates 22 Bacon cites were added under "A," none under "B" and 28 under "C." Reddick also states that, for all authors, for most lettters in Dict. vol. 1 about 75 % were "recycled" from other headwords.) Example cites are given for each source below. The titles of Bacon's works were, in most cases, not carried into the 1773 Dict., which usually only cites "Bacon."]
- Advice to Sir George Villiers; adventive; affirm; assistant; backstairs; balance; barter; . . . charge, n.s.; . . . .
- Apothegms; advancer; bashaw; befall; besom; . . . blunt; . . .
- Colours of Good and Evil; champion; comparative; . . . . meliority; . . .
- Considerations on War with Spain; abusive; account; bark; barricado; bay; . . .
- Essays, Civil and Moral; abbreviate; absurd; . . . amount; . . . ballast; bank; banquet; barrier; . . . clarify, v.n. (also,1755 sense and Bacon quote dropped); . . . .
- History of Great Britain; fastness
- History of Henry VII; able; accelerate; . . . baby; ball; bankrupt; . . .
- History of Henry VIII; aside (p.508)
- Holy War; access; affection; bear; blanch; brief . . . .
- Natural History; quoted in the Dict. "Grammar of the English Tongue," Yale Vol. 18, p. 310, with the same quotation under mortal in the Dict. word list. ; depectible (p.179 in text: depertible; per the OED, a spurious word for depertible, likely a transcription error.); about (2); abstersion; abstersive; accelerate; . . . air; baked; bare; bargain; .. . .
- New Atalantis; about; admission; avoid; bachelor; basilisk; beside; . . .
- Office of Alienations; ablaqueation; accustomably; admeasurement; barrenness; . . . . devise [BKG Note: p. 556; the devise cite appears to have been incorrectly changed to a Locke cite in the 1773 Dict. Thanks to Beth RappYoung for pointing out the discrepancy.]
- Ornamenta Rationalia; beauty; behaviour; belly; . . . .
- Physical [Physiological] Remains; abortment; active; admixtion; alchymy; belmetal; bituminous; break; . . . .
- Bacon (no work cited); abase (1773); above; absorb; accurate; additament; additional; advance; advance; advancement; advantitious; advertise; adust; affable; affirmance; after (2); again; against; agarick; agitation; agreement; air; airy; alchymy; alienate; allowance; almanack; alms-giver; aloof; ammunition; amplitude; anchor; and; anger; animate; aperient; appanage; appeal; appertain; apple-tree; appose; arch; army; asper; assess; assign; assurance; astriction; astringe; astronomer; at; attempt; attentively (2); attribute; audible; auricular; aversation; awe; baggage; bailiff; bake; ball; band; bargain; base; basin; batoon; bay; bear (3); beauty; befall; before; beforehand; belief; best; bidden; big; bigness; bind; blade; blanch; blind; blister; blood-stone; blunt; boil; book; boon; bore; born; bottle; bowstring; brackish; brand; brass; brave (2); bravely; bravery; bray; breach; break (4); breakfast; breed; brew; bribery; briefly; brim; bring; broke; brotherly; bubble; budget; bull; burial; burnish; business; but; butlerage; buttress; by; [BKG Note: only 1773 Dict. additions are listed from this point.] call; canvass; canvass, v.n.; charge, n.s.; clearness (also attributed a 1755 clearness quote to Bacon previously given without attribution); coal, v.a..; coarctate; coast; coloration; come (sense 59); comprehensible; concoct; confluence; congregation; conjugation; contentation; continuance; conversation; counsel; cruelly; crush; cunning; current; damp; dandle; decay; deceive (2); declare; decoct; deflux; dentise; depart; discern; disperse; dissent; disolve; dull; eccentrick; either; election; elegantly; emaciate; encourage; english; erection; evitation; excretion; extenuate; fairly; find (2); fine; flag; fore; forsee; forge; gaol; hereafter; landed; orbity; refer; . . . weigh;