Authority Cited: Granville
Author name and dates: George Granville (1666-1735)
BKG Bio-tweet: Precocious poet; playwright; high offices under Q. Anne; SJ unimpressed by poetry (Lives) but quotes liberally in Dict.
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 96 Granville cites in 1755 Dict. vol.1, about 132 Granville cites in vol. 2. Only about three of the cites are specifically to the Poems title (aconite; name, over-awe), but, based on the limited sample of headwords below, other cites appear to be from this source. Granville's Apology is also cited (largeness), but in error: the citation is corrected to Glanville's [Glanvill's] Apology in the 1773 Dict. Two Granville cites added in the 1773 Dict. were identified, indicated in bold italic headwords below. Three Granville cites, under erect, grove, and unusual, were incorrectly changed to Glanville in the 1773 Dict. The edition of Granville's Poems that SJ used is unknown.]
Poems upon Several Occasions, the Fourth Edition. 1726, London: Printed for J. Tonson, at Shakespear's Head, over against Katharine-Street in the Strand OR The genuine works: in verse and prose, of the Right Honourable George Granville, Lord Lansdowne. 1732, London: Printed for J. Tonson, and L. Gilliver [BKG Note: according to the Yale Vol. 22 editors (p.809), SJ used the first volume of the 1732 Works in writing the Granville chapter of the 1779-81 Lives. Cloe perfuming herself, quoted under stink, does not appear in the 1726 Poems. it is possible that SJ marked the Poems, and recalled the 1732 poem inexactly.]
Author name and dates: George Granville (1666-1735)
BKG Bio-tweet: Precocious poet; playwright; high offices under Q. Anne; SJ unimpressed by poetry (Lives) but quotes liberally in Dict.
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 96 Granville cites in 1755 Dict. vol.1, about 132 Granville cites in vol. 2. Only about three of the cites are specifically to the Poems title (aconite; name, over-awe), but, based on the limited sample of headwords below, other cites appear to be from this source. Granville's Apology is also cited (largeness), but in error: the citation is corrected to Glanville's [Glanvill's] Apology in the 1773 Dict. Two Granville cites added in the 1773 Dict. were identified, indicated in bold italic headwords below. Three Granville cites, under erect, grove, and unusual, were incorrectly changed to Glanville in the 1773 Dict. The edition of Granville's Poems that SJ used is unknown.]
Poems upon Several Occasions, the Fourth Edition. 1726, London: Printed for J. Tonson, at Shakespear's Head, over against Katharine-Street in the Strand OR The genuine works: in verse and prose, of the Right Honourable George Granville, Lord Lansdowne. 1732, London: Printed for J. Tonson, and L. Gilliver [BKG Note: according to the Yale Vol. 22 editors (p.809), SJ used the first volume of the 1732 Works in writing the Granville chapter of the 1779-81 Lives. Cloe perfuming herself, quoted under stink, does not appear in the 1726 Poems. it is possible that SJ marked the Poems, and recalled the 1732 poem inexactly.]
- British Enchanters; anxious; crocodile; cure; despatch (dispatch in 1723 text); foppery (Epilogue Designed for the Same); monkey; needy; obligation; publick; shrinks; sworn; ungratefully; write (Prologue to the British Enchanters);
- Character of Mr. Wycherly (Granville comment on an excerpt from Lord Rochester's Poems); dissection
- Clarinda; thaw;
- Cleora; affect; name; snap; sot (same quote as snap);
- Cloe perfuming herself; stink [BKG Note: inexact quote: Cloe in 1732 Works text rather than Chloris, only the last two lines of the four quoted are accurate; this poem does not appear in the 1726 Poems]
- Epilogue Designed for the Same (British Enchanters); scene; teens;
- Epilogue to the Jew of Venice; devil; just; ribaldry; scribbler;
- Epilogue to the Same (She-Gallants); mortally; posted; spark; tilter;
- Essay upon Unnatural Flights in Poetry; grove; cannibal (canibal in 1726 text); hyperbole; impiously; incredible; magick; mimick; rant; veil; unaiming;
- Death; brittle; meditation;
- Fancy; fancy
- Fulvia; ailment; vermilion; unusual (same quote as vermilion);
- Imitation of the Second Chorus in the Second Act of Seneca's Thyestes; half-way; root;
- Liberality; liberal;
- Love; labour; labourer (same quote as labour);
- Occasion'd by the Foregoing (Sent the Author into the Country, Written by a Lady); disturber;
- On the Earl of Peterborough's happy Negotiation between His Royal Highness and the Princess Mary d'Este of Modena; decide; indebted;
- On the Same (Chloe) [BKG Note: there is more than one Granville poem with this title]; bright (added in 1773 Dict.)
- On the Same (Chloe) [BKG Note: there is more than one Granville poem with this title]; aggrieve; wondrously;
- Peleus and Thetis; rod; sunder;
- Phyllis Drinking; recruit;
- Progress of Beauty; broil; concubine; emotion; erect; gallantry; hold; planetary; rustle; transmit; zone;
- Prologue to Mr. Higgon's excellent Tragedy, call'd The Generous Conqueror; senator
- Prologue to the She-Gallants; smart;
- Spoken by the Author, being then but Twelve Years of Age, to her Royal Highness, the Dutchess of York, at Trinity-College in Cambridge; proselyte;
- To my friend, Mr. Garth, in his Sickness; restore (added in 1773 Dict., inexact quote "repairs" in text, perhaps from memory);
- To Myra [BKG Note: there is more than one Granville poem with this title]; aconite;
- To Myra [BKG Note: there is more than one Granville poem with this title]; aguish;
- To Myra, the Enchantment; whirl;
- To Myra. Song [BKG Note: there is more than one Granville poem with this title]; over-awe;
- To the King, in the First Year of His Majesty's Reign; glitter; safeguard;
- To the Immortal Memory of Mr. Waller, upon his Death; much
- Upon a Hearing in the House of Lords of a Cause between her Grace, the Dutchess of Grafton, and the Lord Chief Justice; dare; precedent; side;
- Women; pack; round (same quote as pack); shuffle (same quote as pack and round);
- Written in a Garden in the North; stranger;
- Granville (no work cited); particles (perhaps a memory error: "warm'd by particles of heavenly flame" is in Dryden's Sigismonda and Guiscardo); passion (not found in searches of Granville or Glanvill); voluminous (Granville source not found, likely citation error for Glanville [Glanvill])