Authority Cited: Collier; Collyer
Author name and dates: Jeremy Collier (1650-1726)
BKG Bio-tweet: Nonjuror cleric; against immorality of the stage (temporary effect); trans. Fr. Encyclopedia; ecclesiastical historian
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 128 Collier cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 187 Collier cites in Dict. vol. 2. Four Collier cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italics below. The editions of the titles below used by SJ are unknown.]
Author name and dates: Jeremy Collier (1650-1726)
BKG Bio-tweet: Nonjuror cleric; against immorality of the stage (temporary effect); trans. Fr. Encyclopedia; ecclesiastical historian
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 128 Collier cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 187 Collier cites in Dict. vol. 2. Four Collier cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italics below. The editions of the titles below used by SJ are unknown.]
- View of the Stage: A short view of the immorality, and profaneness of the English stage together with the sense of antiquity upon this argument / by Jeremy Collier, M.A., 1698, London: Printed for S. Keble at the Turk's-Head in Fleetstreet, R. Sare at Gray's-Inn-Gate, and H. Hindmarsh against the Exchange in Cornhil; brief; civilly
- Essays upon several moral subjects. In two parts. Part I. Upon Pride. Upon Cloaths. Upon Duelling. Upon General Kindness. Upon the Office of a Chaplain. Upon the Weakness of Human Reason. Part II. Of Fame. Of Musick. Of the Value of Life. Of the Spleen. Of Eagerness of Desire. Of Friendship. Of Popularity. A Thought. Of the Entertainment of Books. Of Confidence. Of Envy. Of the Aspect. Against Despair. Of Covetousness. Of Liberty. Of Old Age. Of Pleasure. By Jeremy Collier, M.A., The Fifth Edition, 1703, London: printed for Richard Sare at Grays-Inn-Gate in Holborn:
- Against Despair; clear; descend; drop; . . .
- Aspect; die; distriction [BKG Note: distinction in 1703 Fifth Edition text, p.224, and in the 1695 first Edition, the 1697 Second edition, the 1698 Third Edition, and the 1722 Sixth Edition. The OED lists distriction, but in a different sense.]; . . .
- Confidence; assume; at; . . .
- Dueling; award; bandylegged . . .
- Entertainment of Books; crossness;
- Envy; antecedent; apportion . . .
- Fame; clumsiness
- Friendship; agreeableness; at; bid; break; . . .
- General Kindness; affection
- Human Reason; good;
- Popularity; circumvention
- Pride; bar; blazon; bottom; . . .
- Spleen; cover
- Thought; beat; club;
- Value of Life; death-bed; extinguish