Authority Cited: Crashaw
Author name and dates: Richard Crashaw (1612?-1649)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cambridge fellow; entered the RC Church; died at Rome; devotional ecstasy in religious poems; SJ: “Poet and Saint”
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 49 1755 Crashaw cites in Dict. vol. 1, about 80 cites in Dict. vol. 2. One (misattributed) Crashaw cite was identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below. The edition of the Crashaw poems used by SJ is unknown. The last edition of the title below prior to the 1755 Dict. publication appears to be 1670. The 1st edition of the title below was 1646. All (approximately 60) headwords sampled appear in both the 1670 and 1646 editions. There is one indicator in favor of an edition earlier than 1670: in Out of the Greek, Cupid's Cryer, the quote used for the headword owe appears. This word is corrected to own in the 1670 edition. The Crashaw cites sampled, and recorded below, were drawn principally from the letters A, B, C, H, O, and S. No Crashaw cites include the poem titles.]
Steps to the temple, sacred poems. With The delights of the muses By Richard Crashaw, sometimes of Pembroke Hall, and late fellow of S. Peters Coll. in Cambridge. Wherein are added divers pieces not before extant. 1670, Cambridge : printed for John Hayes
Author name and dates: Richard Crashaw (1612?-1649)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cambridge fellow; entered the RC Church; died at Rome; devotional ecstasy in religious poems; SJ: “Poet and Saint”
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 49 1755 Crashaw cites in Dict. vol. 1, about 80 cites in Dict. vol. 2. One (misattributed) Crashaw cite was identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below. The edition of the Crashaw poems used by SJ is unknown. The last edition of the title below prior to the 1755 Dict. publication appears to be 1670. The 1st edition of the title below was 1646. All (approximately 60) headwords sampled appear in both the 1670 and 1646 editions. There is one indicator in favor of an edition earlier than 1670: in Out of the Greek, Cupid's Cryer, the quote used for the headword owe appears. This word is corrected to own in the 1670 edition. The Crashaw cites sampled, and recorded below, were drawn principally from the letters A, B, C, H, O, and S. No Crashaw cites include the poem titles.]
Steps to the temple, sacred poems. With The delights of the muses By Richard Crashaw, sometimes of Pembroke Hall, and late fellow of S. Peters Coll. in Cambridge. Wherein are added divers pieces not before extant. 1670, Cambridge : printed for John Hayes
- A Hymn to the Name and Honour of the Admirable Saint TERESA; archery;
- An Epitaph upon Dr. Brook; bank;
- An Epitaph upon Husband and Wife, who died and were buried together (in The Delights of the Muses); curtain; marriage; morrow; night; on; peace; sleep. [BKG Note: per Robert D. Brown in "A Latin Translation of Verses from Crashaw's Epitaph upon Husband and Wife," Johnsonian News Letter, September 2021, all verses of the English poem are included in the 1755 Dict. under the seven headword quotations Brown identifies in the JNL article.]
- An Epitaph upon Mr. Ashton a Conformable Citizen; sermon; surfeit;
- Another (in The Delights of the Muses); stop;
- His Epitaph (in The Delights of the Muses); composure;
- Loves Horoscope (in The Delights of the Muse)s; inauspicious; synod; tangle;
- Musick's Duel (in The Delights of the Muses); caper; obsequies; still; sugar;
- On a foul morning, being then to take a journey; blue-eyed; scowl; spring;
- On a Prayer Book sent to Mrs. M. R.; start;
- On Hope. By way of Question and Answer, between A. Cowley and R. Crashaw.; hope; spousal; sugar;
- Out of the Greek, Cupid's Cryer; cry; curst; owe (own in 1670 edition; may indicate that SJ used the 1646 edition); oyes;
- Psalm, 23; abundance; all; brim; churlish; overshadow; sup;
- Spospetto D'Herode, Libro Primo; branch; comet; concurrence; deathlike; hag; herse; hie; overmaster; pant; rush; self; shame; sithe; slake; starring;
- To the Morning, Satisfaction for Sleep; buxom; orisons;
- Upon Mr. Staninough's Death; outstare;
- Upon the Death of a Gentleman; cadence; cost; sententious;
- Upon the death of the most desired Mr. Herrys; blush (SJ rewrites the verse); haste; hie; hold; scorn; scowl;
- Crashaw (no work cited); cragged (not by Crashaw; should be Donne, Satire III); nothing (added in 1773 Dict., not by Crashaw; should be Suckling, Farewell to Love );