Authority Cited: Gerard
Author name and dates: John Gerard (1545–1612); Thomas Johnson (d.1644)
BKG Bio-tweet (Gerard): Barber-surgeon; amateur botanist, herbalist; popular trans., augmentation of Dodoen's Herbal; Linnaeus genus: Gerardia
BKG Bio-tweet (T. Johnson): Prominent apothecary; herbal garden; first England local plants catalogue; Royalist colonel; died of battle wound
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: No Gerard cites in 1755 Dict. Two Gerard cites added in 1773 Dict. The 1st edition of this title was 1597, the quotation for help appears to be taken from a section marked as added in the 2nd edition, so it is likely SJ used the 1633 or later edition; T. Johnson added 800 species to Gerard's list and 700 figures. The use of the 1633 edition is made likely by the inclusion of item 464 Gerarde's herbal 1633 in The Sale Catalogue of Samuel Johnson's Library, A Facsimile Edition, Fleeman, ed.]
Author name and dates: John Gerard (1545–1612); Thomas Johnson (d.1644)
BKG Bio-tweet (Gerard): Barber-surgeon; amateur botanist, herbalist; popular trans., augmentation of Dodoen's Herbal; Linnaeus genus: Gerardia
BKG Bio-tweet (T. Johnson): Prominent apothecary; herbal garden; first England local plants catalogue; Royalist colonel; died of battle wound
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: No Gerard cites in 1755 Dict. Two Gerard cites added in 1773 Dict. The 1st edition of this title was 1597, the quotation for help appears to be taken from a section marked as added in the 2nd edition, so it is likely SJ used the 1633 or later edition; T. Johnson added 800 species to Gerard's list and 700 figures. The use of the 1633 edition is made likely by the inclusion of item 464 Gerarde's herbal 1633 in The Sale Catalogue of Samuel Johnson's Library, A Facsimile Edition, Fleeman, ed.]
- The herball or Generall historie of plantes. Gathered by Iohn Gerarde of London Master in Chirurgerie very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Iohnson citizen and apothecarye of London, the Second Edition, 1633, London: Printed by Adam Islip Ioice Norton and Richard Whitakers; help (p.64, added in 1773 Dict.)
- Gerard (no work cited); kingcup (etym.; added in 1773 Dict.)