Authority Cited: Bathurst [Ralph]
Author name and dates: Ralph Bathurst (1620-1704)
BKG Bio-tweet: Physician; after restoration, Royal Society Fellow, Dean of Wells, Pres. of Trinity Col. Oxford; built Wren designs
Creative Commons License, National Portrait Gallery
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: one Bathurst cite in 1755 Dict. One mention of Bathurst in Pope quote under unspoiled added in 1773 Dict.]
Author name and dates: Ralph Bathurst (1620-1704)
BKG Bio-tweet: Physician; after restoration, Royal Society Fellow, Dean of Wells, Pres. of Trinity Col. Oxford; built Wren designs
Creative Commons License, National Portrait Gallery
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: one Bathurst cite in 1755 Dict. One mention of Bathurst in Pope quote under unspoiled added in 1773 Dict.]
- On the D E A T H of the most learned Mr. JOHN SELDEN, 1654 [by] R.B. T. Co. Oxon. Decemb. 19. 54. in Examen poeticum being the third part of miscellany poems containing variety of new translations of the ancient poets, together with many original copies by the most eminent hands. 1693, London: Printed by R.E. for Jacob Tonson (p.104); stout