Authority Cited: Duncomb’s Life of Hughes
Author name and dates: William Duncomb (1690-1769)
BKG Bio-tweet: Navy clerk; Horace, Racine trans.; won lottery; married sister of John Hughes; Remarks on Hughes quoted by SJ
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: one Duncomb cite in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. No Duncomb cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict.]
Author name and dates: William Duncomb (1690-1769)
BKG Bio-tweet: Navy clerk; Horace, Racine trans.; won lottery; married sister of John Hughes; Remarks on Hughes quoted by SJ
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: one Duncomb cite in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. No Duncomb cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict.]
- An ACCOUNT of the LIFE and WRITINGS OF JOHN HUGHES, Esq; (Remarks on Steele's tribute to Hughes in The Theatre, Numb. XV, from Tuesday February 16, to Saturday, February 20, which is appended to the Life); in Poems on several occasions. With some select essays in prose. In two volumes. By John Hughes, Esq., Adorn'd with Sculptures, Volume the First, 1735, London: printed for J. Tonson and J. Watts; polytheist (inexact quote, p.xl) [BKG Note: see Yale vol. 22, p.680 for the tie from this work to SJ's later life of Hughes in the Lives]