Authority Cited: Kettlewell; Kettleworth
Author name and dates: John Kettlewell (1653-1695)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric; controversial devotional writer; preached against the Glorious Revolution; deprived of church offices
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: no Kettlewell cites in 1755 Dict. 74 quotes were identified (including the variant cites of Kettlew. and Kettleworth) as added in the 1773 Dict. and are indicated in boldface italic below. Five of these are in 1773 Dict. vol. 1 and the remainder in vol. 2. This agrees with Reddicks count of 69 Kettlewell cites in 1773 Dict. vol. 2 as reported in The Making of Johnson's Dictionary. Of the quotations sampled, all appear to be from Part III. "Of Hindrances that keep Men from the Communion," Chapter IV: "Of Law-Suits," Chapter V.: "Of three other Hindrances," and Chapter VI: "Of two more Hindrances," of the title below. The edition of the title below used by SJ is unknown, but appears to be not the 1st edition. The Seventh edition was published in 1713. [BKG Note: Thanks to Prof. Beth Rapp Young for pointing out (2024) that the quote but not the headword guardianship does not appear in the 1683 edition, but does appear in later editions, and that the text used could be as late as the 1737 edition.] The page grouping of the sampled "Kettleworth" cites may indicate a transcriber error.]
Author name and dates: John Kettlewell (1653-1695)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric; controversial devotional writer; preached against the Glorious Revolution; deprived of church offices
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: no Kettlewell cites in 1755 Dict. 74 quotes were identified (including the variant cites of Kettlew. and Kettleworth) as added in the 1773 Dict. and are indicated in boldface italic below. Five of these are in 1773 Dict. vol. 1 and the remainder in vol. 2. This agrees with Reddicks count of 69 Kettlewell cites in 1773 Dict. vol. 2 as reported in The Making of Johnson's Dictionary. Of the quotations sampled, all appear to be from Part III. "Of Hindrances that keep Men from the Communion," Chapter IV: "Of Law-Suits," Chapter V.: "Of three other Hindrances," and Chapter VI: "Of two more Hindrances," of the title below. The edition of the title below used by SJ is unknown, but appears to be not the 1st edition. The Seventh edition was published in 1713. [BKG Note: Thanks to Prof. Beth Rapp Young for pointing out (2024) that the quote but not the headword guardianship does not appear in the 1683 edition, but does appear in later editions, and that the text used could be as late as the 1737 edition.] The page grouping of the sampled "Kettleworth" cites may indicate a transcriber error.]
- An help and exhortation to worthy communicating, or, A treatise describing the meaning, worthy reception, duty, and benefits of the Holy Sacrament and answering the doubts of conscience, and other reasons, which most generally detain men from it together with suitable devotions added, by John Kettlewell, Vicar of Coles-hill in Warwick-shire. 1683, London: Printed by R.E. for Robert Kettlewell at the Hand and Scepter over against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet∣street.; crown (p.373); garment (p.330); ground (p.335); guardianship (quote but not headword found on p.348, headword appears in later editions); necessitous (found in the 1713 edition, but not in the 1683 edition); obtainable (p.372) ("obtain'd" in 1683 edition); office (Kettleworth) (p.311); officer (Kettleworth) (p.311); publisher (found in the 1713 edition, but not in the 1683 edition); reparative (p.338); spiritual (Kettleworth) (p.316); standing (Kettleworth) (p.316); thenceforward (p.384); vindictive (p.338); umpire (found in the 1713 edition, but not in the 1683 edition); upon (3) (Kettleworth) (pp.310, 322, 313); whereat (p.366); yield (p.348);
- Kettlewell (no work cited); guide; needs (Kettlew.); needy; nuisance; observe; offscouring; omission; over Kettleworth); overreach (Kettleworth); oversight; ours (Kettleworth); out; outwit; peremptorily; pitiableness; plea; political (Kettleworth); presumptuous; privilege; process (Kettlew.); prosecution; protection; proxy; punctilio; put up; rate; redress; renounce; reserve; respected (Kettleworth); right; stick; strike off (Kettleworth); suit; summon; table; terrify; title (Kettleworth); to (Kettleworth); trial; trust; verdict; virtuous (Kettleworth); uncharitableness; unjusifiableness; unutterable; urge; use (Kettleworth); warrant; warranty; weighty; what (Kettleworth); withhold; would;