Authority Cited: Boyle
Author name and dates: Robert Boyle (1627-1691)
BKG Bio-tweet: Irish chemist (Boyle’s Law); “scientific method” contributor; inventor; founder of Royal Society; writer also on theology
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 533 Boyle cites n 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 588 Boyle cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. 17 Boyle cites identified as added in the 1773 Dict. are indicated in bold italic below. Only one Boyle cite was identified as added in the 1773 Dict. after the letter "E". The Sale Catalogue of Samuel Johnson's Library, A Facsimile Edition, Fleeman, ed. lists the following items: 30 7. Boyle's works &c.; 562 Boyle's works, 5 vols. 1774. Greene, in Samuel Johnson's Library, an Annotated Guide, says that there was a 1744 publication, but found no record of a 1774 edition. I located a 1772 edition, but that edition has 6 vols., so the sale catalogue is likely in error and should read 1744. The edition of Boyle's Works may be the 1725 or 1738 edition, based on the tracing, June 2024, of the Boyle citation under mechanician by Prof. Matthew Davis, U. of Virginia. Davis found the substance of the Dictionary quotation in the 1738 edition, I did not find the phrase in the 1744 edition edition text, and there were no citations identified from the Life which precedes the 1744 text.]
ROBERT BOYLE. The philosophical works of the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq; abridged, methodized, and disposed under the general heads of physics, statics, pneumatics, Natural History, Chymistry, and Medicine. The whole illustrated with Notes, containing the Improvements made in the several Parts of natural and experimental Knowledge since his time. In three volumes. By Peter Shaw, M.D, 1738, London, printed for W. Innys and R. Manby, at the West-End of St. Paul's; and T. Longman, in Pater-Noster-Row. (per Wimsatt, Philosophic Words, p.150, all of the seven titles* he investigated are in the 1772 edition of the Works.) [BKG note: Some titles below may be variants of the same title.]
Author name and dates: Robert Boyle (1627-1691)
BKG Bio-tweet: Irish chemist (Boyle’s Law); “scientific method” contributor; inventor; founder of Royal Society; writer also on theology
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 533 Boyle cites n 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 588 Boyle cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. 17 Boyle cites identified as added in the 1773 Dict. are indicated in bold italic below. Only one Boyle cite was identified as added in the 1773 Dict. after the letter "E". The Sale Catalogue of Samuel Johnson's Library, A Facsimile Edition, Fleeman, ed. lists the following items: 30 7. Boyle's works &c.; 562 Boyle's works, 5 vols. 1774. Greene, in Samuel Johnson's Library, an Annotated Guide, says that there was a 1744 publication, but found no record of a 1774 edition. I located a 1772 edition, but that edition has 6 vols., so the sale catalogue is likely in error and should read 1744. The edition of Boyle's Works may be the 1725 or 1738 edition, based on the tracing, June 2024, of the Boyle citation under mechanician by Prof. Matthew Davis, U. of Virginia. Davis found the substance of the Dictionary quotation in the 1738 edition, I did not find the phrase in the 1744 edition edition text, and there were no citations identified from the Life which precedes the 1744 text.]
ROBERT BOYLE. The philosophical works of the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq; abridged, methodized, and disposed under the general heads of physics, statics, pneumatics, Natural History, Chymistry, and Medicine. The whole illustrated with Notes, containing the Improvements made in the several Parts of natural and experimental Knowledge since his time. In three volumes. By Peter Shaw, M.D, 1738, London, printed for W. Innys and R. Manby, at the West-End of St. Paul's; and T. Longman, in Pater-Noster-Row. (per Wimsatt, Philosophic Words, p.150, all of the seven titles* he investigated are in the 1772 edition of the Works.) [BKG note: Some titles below may be variants of the same title.]
- Against Bently; acquaintance;
- Boyle, Works; vacant; valve;
- Chym. Principles (Experiments and Notes about Productibleness of Chymical Principals)*; closely; deliquate; (per Wimsatt:: fugacity)
- Considerations upon the style of the Holy Scriptures (Boyle on Scriptures); abstruseness; allowable;
- Experiments; crabs-eyes;
- Experiments and Considerations upon Colours (Boyle on Colours); about; adventitious; agitate; agree; amel; amorousness; black
- Experiments on the Superficial Figures of Fluids
- History of Colours*; diffusion; (per Wimsatt: optical)
- History of Fluidity [and Firmness]*; coagulative; conducive; confound; credibleness; crude; distemper; (per Wimsatt: adhesion; asperity; distil; mortify; stability)
- New Experiments Physico-mechanical Touching the Spring of the Air and its Effects*; evacuate; defecate; (per Wimsatt: metalline; transfusion)
- Of Spirits; acetous;
- On Scriptures: keep;
- Phys. Considerations (Physiological Essays and other Tracts?); excusableness;
- Phys. Rem.; coagulate;
- Physico-Chemical Essay*; (per Wimsatt: adulterate)
- Proemial Essays; considerableness;
- Salt Pet. (Collection of Traits on the Saltiness of the Sea ….?); corrosity;
- Sceptical Chymist*; architectonic; bolthead; chastise; clear; coagulably; cooptation; (per Wimsatt: fermentation; fluctuation; indissoluble; insipid; intermixture; operation; register)
- Seraphic Love; advantageousness; castigation; crosswind; designlessly; devotedness; dilection; disanimate; dishonour; distrustful; divesture;; efflux; emblaze; eventually; expropriate; exuberate; selfishness; sinlessness; solemnize; square; starlike; stoop; synecdochical; [BKG Note: the Boyle cites for this work appear to be clustered - perhaps a function of the transcriber. There may be other citations of this work as "Boyle"]
- Some Considerations on the Usefulness of Experimental and Natural Philosophy
- Spring of the Air; bow-shot; by; crack; cracker; crystalline;
- Unsuccessful Experiments*; cultuator; distiller (per Wimsatt)
- Boyle (no work cited); abjectedness; abstract; acquiesce; associate; cloudy; colliquation; compactness; compliment; confine; confluence; context; crossbow; detract; diduction; due; enigmatical; estimative; extensive; roseate (cited as "Boyle," attributed to John Boyle, 5th Earl of Orrery); laborant; mechanician [BKG Note: Prof. Matthew Davis notes that the headword does not appear in the text passage quoted and that there is no author attribution in the 1773 Dict..]