Women Writers Cited in the Dictionary
Links to the pages of the women writers cited in the Dictionary are provided below. For a detailed analysis of the Dictionary treatment of women writers, see 'A Goose-Quill or a Gander's?': Female Writers in Johnson's Dictionary, by Charlotte Brewer, in Samuel Johnson, The Arc of the Pendulum, Freya Johnston & Lynda Mugglestone, eds., 2012, U.K., Oxford University Press
Links to the pages of the women writers cited in the Dictionary are provided below. For a detailed analysis of the Dictionary treatment of women writers, see 'A Goose-Quill or a Gander's?': Female Writers in Johnson's Dictionary, by Charlotte Brewer, in Samuel Johnson, The Arc of the Pendulum, Freya Johnston & Lynda Mugglestone, eds., 2012, U.K., Oxford University Press
Barker [Jane]
Carter [Elizabeth]
[Cavendish, Margaret] Newcastle, Dutchess [Duchess] of
[Collier, Jane]
[Lennox, Charlotte]
Moreton [Anne]
Mulso [Hester (later Chapone)]
BKG Note: three of these, Carter, Lennox, and Mulso, were contemporaries of Samuel Johnson. For an extensive treatment of Johnson's friendships with literary women, see Dr. Johnson's Women, by Norma Clarke, 2000, London: Hambeldon and London.