Authority Cited: [Minsheu] Minshew
Author name and dates: John Minsheu (1550-1627)
See Image Below (from Early English Books Online)
BKG Bio-tweet: Linguist; lexicographer; first(?) to use subscriptions to publish: eleven-language dictionary; SJ cites in etym.
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 25 Minsheu (cited as Minshew) cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 24 cites in Dict. vol. 2. No additional Minsheu cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict. The edition of the title below used by SJ uncertain, however the first edition was in his library at his death. The Sale Catalogue of Samuel Johnson's Library, A Facsimile Edition, Fleemam, ed. lists two Minsheu items: 312 ... Minshewe's dictionary of eleven languages. 1617, and 584 6. Minshew' dictionary &c. In Johnson the Philologist, 1988, Diasuke Nagashima suggests (pp.166-169) that the views of Minsheu, Casaubon, Somner, and Verstegan for some headwords were adduced and discussed via their entries in Skinner rather than in source volumes.]
Author name and dates: John Minsheu (1550-1627)
See Image Below (from Early English Books Online)
BKG Bio-tweet: Linguist; lexicographer; first(?) to use subscriptions to publish: eleven-language dictionary; SJ cites in etym.
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 25 Minsheu (cited as Minshew) cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 24 cites in Dict. vol. 2. No additional Minsheu cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict. The edition of the title below used by SJ uncertain, however the first edition was in his library at his death. The Sale Catalogue of Samuel Johnson's Library, A Facsimile Edition, Fleemam, ed. lists two Minsheu items: 312 ... Minshewe's dictionary of eleven languages. 1617, and 584 6. Minshew' dictionary &c. In Johnson the Philologist, 1988, Diasuke Nagashima suggests (pp.166-169) that the views of Minsheu, Casaubon, Somner, and Verstegan for some headwords were adduced and discussed via their entries in Skinner rather than in source volumes.]
- Hēgemōn eis tas glōssas· id est, Ductor in linguas, The guide into tongues Cum illarum harmonia, & etymologijs, originationibus, rationibus, & deriuationibus in omnibus his vndecim linguis, viz: 1. Anglica. 2. Cambro-Britanica. 3. Belgica. 4. Germanica. 5. Gallica. 6. Italica. 7. Hispanica. 8. Lusitanica seu Portugallica. 9. Latina. 10. Græca. 11. Hebrea, &c. Quæ etiam ita ordine, & sono consentientes, collocatæ sunt, vt facilimè & nullo labore, vnusquisq[ue] non solùm, quatuor, quinque, vel plures illarum, quàm optimè memoria tenere, verum etiam (per earum etymologias) sub nomine, naturam, proprietatem, conditionem, effectum, materiam, formam, vel finem rerum, rectè nosse queat; ... Opera, studio, industria, labore & sumptibus Iohannis Minshæiin lucem editum & impressum. Anno 1617. = The guide into the tongues. With their agreement and consent one with another, as also their etymologies, that is, the reasons and deriuations of all or the most part of wordes, in these eleuen languages ... By the Industrie, Studie, and Labour and at the Charges of John Minshew Published and Printed. 1617, London: Cum gratia & priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis, & vendibiles extant Londini, apud Ioannem Browne bibliopolam in vico vocato little Brittaine. And are to be sold at Iohn Brownes shop a booke-seller in little Brittaine in London; anon; assuage (asswage in text); badge, bashful, caterpillar, chime, chitterlings, choke; clinch, cloud; coach, collop, colonel; danger, fellow; flash, gag, giblets, girl, grant, haberdasher, hamper; hit; inveigle; kibe; loom, lunch, metheglin, pizzle, prong; purl, puttock, quintin, rash, relish, scroll, sillabub; sirrah, skreen, stubborn; taunt, thence, thimble, throb, toss; trappings, umpire; wanton, wrangle
- Minsheu (no work cited): [BKG Note: all Dict. cites are only to "Minshew" - a sample of the headwords in the list indicates that all appear to be from this title.]