Authority Cited: Skinner
Author name and dates: Stephen Skinner (1623-1667)
BKG Bio-tweet: Physician; Leiden, Heidelberg education; lexicographer; first English etym. dictionary; SJ cites in definitions, etym.
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: five Skinner mentions in Preface, one mention in Hist. of the English Language, about 215 Skinner cites in wordlist of 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 174 Skinner cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. One additional Skinner cite was identified in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italics below. All of the Skinner citations appear to be from the title below.]
Author name and dates: Stephen Skinner (1623-1667)
BKG Bio-tweet: Physician; Leiden, Heidelberg education; lexicographer; first English etym. dictionary; SJ cites in definitions, etym.
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: five Skinner mentions in Preface, one mention in Hist. of the English Language, about 215 Skinner cites in wordlist of 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 174 Skinner cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. One additional Skinner cite was identified in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italics below. All of the Skinner citations appear to be from the title below.]
- Etymologicon Linguæ Anglicanæ, Stephano Skinner, M.D., London, T.Roycroft (edited by Thomas Henshaw – 1671); Yale Vol. 18, p. 183 cites a specific passage in this work that is referred to in the Dict. "History of the English Language."
- Skinner (no work cited, but from the title above); abaisance; accompt; . . baboon; badge; . . . cade; calender; . . . daffodowndilly; daggle; . . . encheason; . . . famble; fangle; . . . gad; gadfly; . . . halloo; harsh; . . . hog; . . . jade; jangle; . . . impair; improve; . . . kecksy; kelter; . . . lash; lattice; . . . mail; manchet; . . . nape; nesh; . . . oak; offal; . . . palter; parch; . . . quab; quaff; . . . rakehell; rehearse; . . . sack [BKG Note: SJ says Skinner etymology follows Mandeslo. This refers to Johan Albrecht de Mandelslo (1616–1644), a German who travelled to India. see below. The Skinner entry in the image below references the ingenious and industrious Mandelsloi.]; sarcenet; . . . talisman; tamper; . . . valance; vamp; . . . umpire; . . . wanton; watchet; . . . zany.
- The voyages & travels of the ambassadors sent by Frederick Duke of Holstein, to the great Duke of Muscovy, and the King of Persia begun in the year M.DC.XXXIII, and finish'd in M.DC.XXXIX : containing a compleat history of Muscovy, Tartary, Persia, and other adjacent countries : with several publick transactions reaching neer the present times, in VII books : whereto are added the Travels of John Albert de Mandelslo, (a gentleman belonging to the embassy) from Persia, into the East-Indies containing a particular description of Indosthan, the Mogul's Empire, the oriental ilands, Japan, China, &c. and the revolutions which happened in those countries, within these few years, in III books: the whole work illustrated with divers accurate mapps, and figures / written originally by Adam Olearius, Secretary to the Embassy; faithfully rendred into English, by John Davies of Kidwelly, 1662, London: Printed for Thomas Dring, and John Starkey and are to be sold at their shops in Fleet-street near Clifford's End, and at the Mitre between Middle-Temple-gate and Temple-Bar; sack