Authority Cited: Moore; Moore’s Fables; Moore’s Foundling
Author name and dates: Edward Moore (1712-1757)
Creative Commons License, National Portrait Gallery
BKG Bio-tweet: Unsuccessful linen draper; fabulist; playwright; editor of The World; “rich beyond the dreams of avarice” from Gamester
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: two Moore cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, four Moore cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. One Moore cite identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below. One Moore quotation (nowadays) from the Prologue to Gil Blas is misattributed to Garrick, who wrote the Epilogue to the play.]
Author name and dates: Edward Moore (1712-1757)
Creative Commons License, National Portrait Gallery
BKG Bio-tweet: Unsuccessful linen draper; fabulist; playwright; editor of The World; “rich beyond the dreams of avarice” from Gamester
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: two Moore cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, four Moore cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. One Moore cite identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below. One Moore quotation (nowadays) from the Prologue to Gil Blas is misattributed to Garrick, who wrote the Epilogue to the play.]
- Fables for the Female Sex. 1744, London: printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; fire; yes (added in 1773 Dict.);
- The foundling. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By Mr. Moore, Author of Fables for the Female Sex. 1748, London: printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; poacher (cited as More); rattlesnake; tutoress;
- [Gil Blas. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By Mr. Moore.], 1751, London : printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; fun (Prologue); sneak (Prologue);
- Moore (no work cited);