Authority Cited: Walsh
Author name and dates: William Walsh (1663-1708)
BKG Bio-tweet: Poet; MP; critic; advised young Pope to write “correct” poetry; friend of Pope, Dryden
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 14 Walsh cites in 1755 Dict. vol.1, about 14 cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2; quotations are most likely from the 1749 title below. One additional quote was identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italics below.]
Author name and dates: William Walsh (1663-1708)
BKG Bio-tweet: Poet; MP; critic; advised young Pope to write “correct” poetry; friend of Pope, Dryden
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 14 Walsh cites in 1755 Dict. vol.1, about 14 cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2; quotations are most likely from the 1749 title below. One additional quote was identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italics below.]
- The works of the most celebrated minor poets. Namely, Wentworth, Earl of Roscommon; Charles, Earl of Dorset; Charles, Earl of Halifax; Sir Samuel Garth; George Stepney, Esq; William Walsh, Esq; Thomas Tickell, Esq. Never before collected and publish'd together. In two volumes. 1749 London: Printed for F. Cogan....; per Reddick, in The making of Johnson's Dictionary (204), the copy marked by SJ was in the Hyde Collection, presumably now at Harvard. J.D. Fleeman, in The Sale Catalogue of Samuel Johnson's Library, A Facsimile Edition, 1975, U. of Victoria, Appendix II-13, indicates that this copy may be only V.1, and only annotated by SJ for Garth, and not the other poets. The Walsh poems and letters are in Vol. 2 of this edition and in Vol. 2 of the three volume 1751 edition. The first edition of Walsh's poems and letters was: Letters and poems, amorous and gallant. 1692, London : Printed for Jacob Tonson at the Judge's Head in Chancery Lane, near Fleet-Street, however, some Dict. quotes are not in the 1692 publication so I conclude SJ used either the 1749 or 1751 edition; [advance (To Caelia, upon some Alterations in her Face)]; [all hail (The Retirement)]; [amuse (Preface)]; [arbitrary (Elegy)]; [bridal (Delia, not in 1692 ed.)]; [consist (Preface)]; [corant (Preface)]; [cry up (Elegy)]; [enrage (Epigram)]; [faintly (Epigram, faintlier in 1692 text]; [fashion (Essay on Pastoral Poetry, not in 1692 ed., added in 1773 Dict.)]; [firm (Horace Book III, Ode III, not in 1692 ed.)]; [herd (The Retirement)]; [ill (To his Book)]; [impossible (The Retirement)]; [letter (Preface)]; [medly (To his Book)]; [mingle (Delia, not in 1692 ed.)]; [more (Delia, not in 1692 ed.)]; [nor (The Retirement)]; [pastoral (Preface)]; [post (Essay on Pastoral Poetry, not in 1692 ed.)]; [reserve (Delia, not in 1692 ed.)]; [rude (Preface)]; [sort (Preface)]; [sparkish (Essay on Pastoral Poetry, not in 1692 ed.)];
- Walsh's Letter [The works of Alexander Pope, Esq; Vol. V. Containing an authentic edition of his letters, 1739 edition] ; objection (Walsh to Pope, July 20, 1706); [scan (Walsh to Pope, Sept. 9, 1706)];
- Walsh (no work cited); subserve (incorrect citation, should be Watts, Improvement of the Mind);