- Authority Cited: Child; Child's Discourse of Trade
BKG Bio-tweet: Merchant; politician; mercantilist; Governor of East India Co.; pub. books on trade
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG note: about 9 Child cites in 1755 Dict. vol.1, about 19 Child cites in 1755 Dict. vol.2.]
Discourse on Trade; A new discourse of trade, wherein is recommended several weighty points relating to companies of merchants. The act of navigation. Naturalization of strangers. And our woollen manufactures. The ballance of trade. And the nature of plantations, and their consequences, in relation to the kingdom, are seriously discussed. Methods for the employment and maintenance of the poor are proposed. The reduction of interest of money to 41. per centum [perhaps 4% per annum as discussed in the text], is recommended. And some proposals, for erecting a Court of Merchants, for determining controversies, relating to maritine affairs, and for a law for transferrance of bills of debts, are humbly offer'd. By Sir Josiah Child.; The Third Edition, 1718, London : Printed and sold, by the assigns of J. Sowle, at the Bible in George-Yard, Lombard-Street; [BKG Note: the 1st edition was 1690; the edition that SJ used has not been determined, however the quotation under put appears to be closer to the Dictionary quote in the 1690 and 1693 editions. The following page citations for the headwords investigated are to the 1718 edition, except for put]; absentee (p.156); categorically; cooper (p.140); counter; distinguish; employer; fall (p.46); gross (Preface, image 38); highway; lighterman; lime (p.49); lower; marl (p.49); midwifery; pressure; prospective (Preface, image 44); put (p.25 in both the 1690 and 1693 editions); real; run (Preface, image 31); tedder (Preface, image 18); thread; trader; undersell; usurer; wane (Preface, image 20); wax (Preface, image 20); wharf; whisk (Preface, image 33); wood (Preface, image 27);
- Child (no work cited); [BKG Note: headwords with only "Child" as the Dictionary citation have been identified as from the Discourse of Trade, and are included above with page references];