Authority Cited: Hill
Author name and dates: John Hill (1714-1775)
BKG Bio-tweet: Botanist, polymath; prolific writer; SJ: an ingenious man, but had no veracity
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 74 Hill cites in 1755 Dict. vol.1, about 76 cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. About half of the Hill cites appear to be from the Materia Medica title. No additional J. Hill quotations were identifed as added in the 1773 Dict. Item 272 in The Sale Catalogue of Samuel Johnson's library, a Facsimile Edition, Fleeman, ed. is 2. Hill's materia medica --- Urania. SJ, or an assistant (Macbean?), extensively reworked text from the two Hill titles below for definitions. The number of quotations that are edited (better focused) in the 1773 Dict. may support the thought that the summaries of an amanuensis were accepted without close editing by SJ for the 1st Dict. edition, but cropped by SJ in the 1773 Dict., perhaps to provide space for additional material.]
Author name and dates: John Hill (1714-1775)
BKG Bio-tweet: Botanist, polymath; prolific writer; SJ: an ingenious man, but had no veracity
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 74 Hill cites in 1755 Dict. vol.1, about 76 cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. About half of the Hill cites appear to be from the Materia Medica title. No additional J. Hill quotations were identifed as added in the 1773 Dict. Item 272 in The Sale Catalogue of Samuel Johnson's library, a Facsimile Edition, Fleeman, ed. is 2. Hill's materia medica --- Urania. SJ, or an assistant (Macbean?), extensively reworked text from the two Hill titles below for definitions. The number of quotations that are edited (better focused) in the 1773 Dict. may support the thought that the summaries of an amanuensis were accepted without close editing by SJ for the 1st Dict. edition, but cropped by SJ in the 1773 Dict., perhaps to provide space for additional material.]
- A general natural history or, new and accurate descriptions of the animals, vegetables, and minerals, of the different parts of the world: with their virtues and uses, as far as hitherto certainly known, in medicine and mechanics: illustrated by a general review of the knowledge of the ancients, and the siscoveries and improvements of the later ages in these studies, including the history of the materia medica, pictoria, and tinctoria, of the present and earlier ages: as also observations on the neglected properties of many valuable substances known at present; and attempts to discover the lost medicines &c. of former ages in a series of critical inquiries into the materia medica of the ancient Greeks. With a great number of figures, elegantly engraved / by John Hill, ... ; Vol. 1. A history of fossils. 1748, London : printed for Thomas Osborne in Gray's Inn Holbourn; citrine; clay; coal; cobalt; cologn; copper; crystal; diamond; emerald; flint; gold; granite; grit; hyacinth; indian red; jet (definition extracted from p.14); nitre; rock-ruby; smalt; zaffar; [BKG Note: only four cites in vol. 2 of the 1755 Dict. are to Hill on Fossils.]
- A history of the materia medica. Containing descriptions of all the substances used in medicine; their Origin, their Characters when in Perfection, the Signs of their Decay, their Chymical Analysis, and an Account of their Virtues, and of the several Preparations from them now used in the Shops. By John Hill, M. D. Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Bourdeaux. 1751, London: printed for T. Longman, C.Hitch and L.Hawes, in Pater-Noster Row; A. Millar, opposite Catharine-Street in the Strand; and J. and J. Rivington, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; cocoa; coral; crabs-eyes; crawfish; dragonsblood; eaglestone; earth; elecampane; elemi; elk; emery; firestone; fossil; fullers earth; galbanum; geneva; gentium; ginger; gourd; ground-pine; hartshorn; hedge-hyssop; hermodactl; hoarhound; honey; hypocist; infernal; ipecacuana; iron (definition extracted from pp.5-6); isinglass; isinglass stone; jade; jalap; jasper; jews-ears; jews-stone; lentisk; licorice; lime; lime-water; litharge; loadstone; logwood; mace; mandrake; marcasite (from p. 146 per Alexander Bocast); . . . quicksilver (pp.53-55 and 58-59 of Materia Medica per Wimsat, Philosophic Words, p.154); ... zarnich. [BKG Note: There are about 47 Materia Medica cites in vol. 2 of the 1755 Dict. These are not all listed here.]
- Cyclopædia: or, an universal dictionary of arts and sciences; ... By E. Chambers, F.R.S. The fourth edition, corrected and amended; with some additions. In two volumes. ... 1741, London: printed for D. Midwinter, J. Senex, R. Gosling, W. Innys, C. Rivington [and 12 others]. Item #487 in the Sale Catalogue of Samuel Johnson's Library, A Facsimile Edition, Fleeman, ed. is Chambers's Dictionary 2v., 1741 (1st ed. was 1728). One Dict. entry is cited as "Chambers. Hill"]; copperas (most of the definition is from this title of Chambers, v.1 p. 324; the last sentence is from Materia Medica, p. 130);
- ?1753 Chamber’s Cyclopedia Supplement [BKG Note: Hill contributed to, and is cited in this work, primarily from the History of Fossils title. However, the date seems late for use in the 1755 Dict. and the material sampled from the Hill cites without a work indicated seems to be from the Hill titles above.]
- Hill, J (no work cited); cochineal [definition likely summarized from Materia Medica title]; coraline*; island crystal* (some parts of the definition appear on pp.334-338 of Hill on Fossils that are not in the Chambers Cyclopedia Supplement); cubeb*; dodder*; elaterium*; euphorbium*; fern*; frankincense*; French chalk; galangal*; gall*; gamboge*; garlick*; garnet; ginseng*; goat's rue*; guaiacum*; juniper (cite not in 1773 Dict.); ivory*; kermes*; labdanum*; lac; lapis lazuli*; lead*; madder; manganese; manna*; marcasite; marl; mercury; mezeron; mildew; musk; myrobalan; nutmeg*; opium*; opoponax*; pearl*; pepper*; pistachio*; porcupine*; rattlesnake root*; semimetal; stockgillyflower (cite not in 1773 Dict.); ultramarine; [BKG Note: quotes that were shortened in the 1773 Dict. are indicated by an asterisk (*)]