Authority Cited: Denham; Denh. Sophy; Denh. Poems
Author name and dates: John Denham (1615-1669)
BKG Bio-tweet: Poet of varied forms, strength of image; SJ: “improved our taste and advanced our language”; courtier; gamester; cuckholded
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 381 Denham cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 426 Denham cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. Seven additions identified as added in the 1773 Dict. are indicated in bold italic below. "Denham's Sophy" cite usually changed to "Denham" in 1773 Dict. Almost all Denham cites are likely from the title below. The edition used by SJ has not been determined. There were 1668, 1703 and 1709 editions of this title.]
Poems and translations: with the Sophy, a tragedy. Written by the Honorable Sir John Denham, Knight of the Bath, 1751, Glasgow: Printed by Robert and Andrew Foulis.;
[An Occasional Imitation of a Modern Author upon the Game of Chess]; abstersive;
[Cato Major, Of Old Age, A Poem]; actor; alight; amity; . . . taken; taker; turmoil; wellnatured (the quote also appears in error under wellmet in the 1755 Dict.; the wellmet headword does not appear in the 1773 Dict.); win; wrestler;
[Cooper's Hill]; antithesis (SJ uses a Denham quote to illustrate the meaning); stream (same quote as used to illustrate antithesis); unbend; undo; whether;
[Friendship and Single Life, against Love and Marriage]; witchcraft;
[Of Prudence]; accompting-day; active; afterages; array; balsam; . . . die (inexact quote, perhaps from memory); . . . scrutiny; well; wind; yea.
[On Mr. Abraham Cowley]; transmigration;
[On My Lord Croft's and my Journey into Poland]; toll (tole in text);
[On the Earl of Strafford's Tryal and Death]; accumulate;
[Preface]; abroad; . . . transfusion;
[The Destruction of Troy, An Essay on the Second Book of Virgil's Aeneas]; apartment; . . . taker; unwillingly;
[The Epistle Dedicatory]; apparition; cipher; delivery; sharp-sighted; vent; wait;
[The Passion of Dido for Aeneas]; corpse; spill (only in 1755 Dict.); tyrannick; unsheathed (only in 1755 Dict.)
[The Progress of Learning]; accursed; ammunition; anatomize; anthem; bandy; . . . thither;
The Sophy. As it was acted at the Private House in Black Fryars by His Majesty's Servants; abuser; acceptation; access; accidental; acquisition; act; ague; air; anticipate; apparition; approach; approval; apt; arras; artillery; awry; befriend; beget; benum; bonesetter; bottom; break; cabinet; calm; . . . dislike (Prologue); undo (Prologue, same quote as dislike); unwillingly; womanish; word; worth;
[To Sir Richard Fanshaw on his Translation of Pastor Fido]; ford; whatsoever;
CERTAIN VERSES WRITTEN By severall of the Authors Friends; TO BE RE-PRINTED WITH THE Second Edition OF GONDIBERT.
LONDON, Printed in the Year, 1653;
[To Sir W. DAVENANT]; pervicacious (pervicatious in text) [BKG Note: the author referred to is William DAvenant; the publisher of this title, and the author of the ribald verse quoted appears to be Denham.]
Denham (no work cited); anticipation (incorrectly cited in 4th, corrected to Derham in 5th edition); bank (2); barbarian; . . . malleate (incorrectly cited in 1st, corrected to Derham in 4th edition)
Author name and dates: John Denham (1615-1669)
BKG Bio-tweet: Poet of varied forms, strength of image; SJ: “improved our taste and advanced our language”; courtier; gamester; cuckholded
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 381 Denham cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 426 Denham cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. Seven additions identified as added in the 1773 Dict. are indicated in bold italic below. "Denham's Sophy" cite usually changed to "Denham" in 1773 Dict. Almost all Denham cites are likely from the title below. The edition used by SJ has not been determined. There were 1668, 1703 and 1709 editions of this title.]
Poems and translations: with the Sophy, a tragedy. Written by the Honorable Sir John Denham, Knight of the Bath, 1751, Glasgow: Printed by Robert and Andrew Foulis.;
[An Occasional Imitation of a Modern Author upon the Game of Chess]; abstersive;
[Cato Major, Of Old Age, A Poem]; actor; alight; amity; . . . taken; taker; turmoil; wellnatured (the quote also appears in error under wellmet in the 1755 Dict.; the wellmet headword does not appear in the 1773 Dict.); win; wrestler;
[Cooper's Hill]; antithesis (SJ uses a Denham quote to illustrate the meaning); stream (same quote as used to illustrate antithesis); unbend; undo; whether;
[Friendship and Single Life, against Love and Marriage]; witchcraft;
[Of Prudence]; accompting-day; active; afterages; array; balsam; . . . die (inexact quote, perhaps from memory); . . . scrutiny; well; wind; yea.
[On Mr. Abraham Cowley]; transmigration;
[On My Lord Croft's and my Journey into Poland]; toll (tole in text);
[On the Earl of Strafford's Tryal and Death]; accumulate;
[Preface]; abroad; . . . transfusion;
[The Destruction of Troy, An Essay on the Second Book of Virgil's Aeneas]; apartment; . . . taker; unwillingly;
[The Epistle Dedicatory]; apparition; cipher; delivery; sharp-sighted; vent; wait;
[The Passion of Dido for Aeneas]; corpse; spill (only in 1755 Dict.); tyrannick; unsheathed (only in 1755 Dict.)
[The Progress of Learning]; accursed; ammunition; anatomize; anthem; bandy; . . . thither;
The Sophy. As it was acted at the Private House in Black Fryars by His Majesty's Servants; abuser; acceptation; access; accidental; acquisition; act; ague; air; anticipate; apparition; approach; approval; apt; arras; artillery; awry; befriend; beget; benum; bonesetter; bottom; break; cabinet; calm; . . . dislike (Prologue); undo (Prologue, same quote as dislike); unwillingly; womanish; word; worth;
[To Sir Richard Fanshaw on his Translation of Pastor Fido]; ford; whatsoever;
CERTAIN VERSES WRITTEN By severall of the Authors Friends; TO BE RE-PRINTED WITH THE Second Edition OF GONDIBERT.
LONDON, Printed in the Year, 1653;
[To Sir W. DAVENANT]; pervicacious (pervicatious in text) [BKG Note: the author referred to is William DAvenant; the publisher of this title, and the author of the ribald verse quoted appears to be Denham.]
Denham (no work cited); anticipation (incorrectly cited in 4th, corrected to Derham in 5th edition); bank (2); barbarian; . . . malleate (incorrectly cited in 1st, corrected to Derham in 4th edition)