Authority Cited: Felton
Author name and dates: Henry Felton (1679-1740)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric; critic; dissertation on relation of reading Classics to developing English style
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 48 Felton cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1 and about 54 cites in Dict. vol. 2. Felton cites identified as added in the 1773 Dict. are indicated in bold italic below. An examination of the Felton quotations cited only as "Felton" indicates that all are from the title below. The first edition of the title below was 1713. A misattribution of the Felton quote under elucidator led me to notice that the quote did not appear in the title below until the 1715 Second Edition. Because SJ had a general preference for the last edition of a work published during the author's lifetime, I think the 1730 Fourth Edition is a likely candidate. There was a 1753 Fifth Edition, but the Felton quotes in the Dict. are distributed over the headword alphabet, and the first volume of the 1755 Dict. was, I think, in press by that time. The online OED corrects the Abbot attribution to Felton and correctly cites the first use as 1715. An Open Access electronic copy of the 1730 title below is at: Thanks to Prof. Beth Young for pointing out to me the Dict. misattribution of the elucidator and sophistry quotes.]
Author name and dates: Henry Felton (1679-1740)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric; critic; dissertation on relation of reading Classics to developing English style
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 48 Felton cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1 and about 54 cites in Dict. vol. 2. Felton cites identified as added in the 1773 Dict. are indicated in bold italic below. An examination of the Felton quotations cited only as "Felton" indicates that all are from the title below. The first edition of the title below was 1713. A misattribution of the Felton quote under elucidator led me to notice that the quote did not appear in the title below until the 1715 Second Edition. Because SJ had a general preference for the last edition of a work published during the author's lifetime, I think the 1730 Fourth Edition is a likely candidate. There was a 1753 Fifth Edition, but the Felton quotes in the Dict. are distributed over the headword alphabet, and the first volume of the 1755 Dict. was, I think, in press by that time. The online OED corrects the Abbot attribution to Felton and correctly cites the first use as 1715. An Open Access electronic copy of the 1730 title below is at: Thanks to Prof. Beth Young for pointing out to me the Dict. misattribution of the elucidator and sophistry quotes.]
- Felton on the Classicks: A dissertation on reading the classics, and forming a just style. Written in the year 1709. And addressed to the Right Honourable John Lord Roos, The Present Duke of Rutland. By Henry Felton, D. D. Principal of Edmund-Hall, Oxon, and Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Rutland. The fourth edition, with some alterations and additions. 1730, London: printed for B. Motte, at the Middle-Temple Gate in Fleet-Street; adulteration; airiness (p.127); annotator; bind (p.200); coal-work (p.76, "remits" in Dict. quote; "recruits" in text); crust (p.7); delicacy (p.114); depict (p.202); derive (p.5); elucidator (p.168, misattributed to Abbot in Dict.); exercitation (p.162); fall off (p.76); for (2) (p.53, p.50); free (p.28); illuminator (p.70); inharmonious (p.27); life (p.45); loose (p.121); overload (p.38); packthread (p.33); patch (p.143); pedantic/pedantical (p.168, same quote as elucidator); pile (p.44); plain (cited as Felt.); poetaster (p.64, "glaring" rather than "trifling" in text quote); promise (88); punctualness (p.97); roundabout (p.140); run (4) (p.62, p.7, p.6, p.2); see (p.114); set (p.240); stand (p.9); standard (p.215); stiffness (p.72); table (p.50); take upon (p.136); to (p.122); unusual (p.161);
- Felton on the Critics; run (p.53 of the title above)
- Felton to Lord Gower; furry (should be Fenton to Lord Gower)
- Felton (no work cited); sophistry (should be Fell); sound (should be by Fell)