Authority Cited: Broome
Author name and dates: William Broome (1689-1745)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric; excelled Pope as Greek scholar; Englished several books of Pope’s Odyssey; annoyed Pope by mimicking his style
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 81 Broome cites in 1755 Dict. vol.1, about 117 Broome cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. A number of 1755 Dict. Pope, Notes on the Odyssey, and on Epic Poetry cites were corrected to Broome in the 1773 Dict. The four new Broome quotations identified as added in the 1773 Dict. are indicated in bold italic below.]
Text: Charms, such as hers, inimitably great/ He only can express, that can create.
Author name and dates: William Broome (1689-1745)
BKG Bio-tweet: Cleric; excelled Pope as Greek scholar; Englished several books of Pope’s Odyssey; annoyed Pope by mimicking his style
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 81 Broome cites in 1755 Dict. vol.1, about 117 Broome cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. A number of 1755 Dict. Pope, Notes on the Odyssey, and on Epic Poetry cites were corrected to Broome in the 1773 Dict. The four new Broome quotations identified as added in the 1773 Dict. are indicated in bold italic below.]
- Notes on the Odyssey: The Odyssey of Homer, 1725, London: Printed for Bernard Lintot; approach; cupbearer; debase; ejection; expiate; . . .
- View of Epick Poetry: The Odyssey of Homer; desolate; end; exclusively; festival; finish; foil; gender; gratuity; guard; . . .
- Broome's Notes on the Iliad: The Iliad of Homer, translated by Mr. Pope, vol.1, 1729, London: printed by T.J. for B.L. & Co.; undisobliging (Vol. 1, p. 324, [p.99], commentary on Homer's Iliad Book III, the edition used by SJ is unknown.);
- [To the Right Honorable Lady Elizabeth Townshend, now Lady Cornwallis on her picture, drawn by Mr. Jervas, Painter to His Majesty, in Poems on Several Occasions, by William Broome, Chaplain to the Right Honorable Charles, Lord Cornwallis, Baron of Eye, Warden, Chief Justice, and Justice in Eyre, of all His Majesty's Parks &c. on the South Side of Trent, 1727, London: Printed for Bernard Lintot at the Cross-keys between the Temple Gates in Fleetstreet]; great (p. 93, inexact quote, likely from memory.)
Text: Charms, such as hers, inimitably great/ He only can express, that can create.
- Broome (no work cited); allotment; dubiousness; mighty;