Authority Cited: Trevoux
Author name and dates: Antoine Furetiere (1619-1688) Dict. pub. at Trévoux after Jesuit editing
BKG Bio-tweet: attorney; abbé; satirist; expelled from Académie Française for private dictionary work; posthumous Dictionaire universel
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 29 Trevoux cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 21 Trevoux cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. One additional Trevoux cite was identified in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below. The title below is the Jesuit Dictionary published at Trévoux, 1704; an edited reprint of Furetière´s Dictionaire universel posthumously published by Bayle; used by Chambers´ Cyclopaedia and Fr. Encyclopédie. The edition of the Dictionnaire de Trevoux used by SJ is unknown. The entry for acacia in the third volume of the 1704 edition is only arbre épimeux (thorny tree), but there is a longer description in the first 1704 volume under sciences and arts. There appears to be the same extended entry for acacia in the c.1740 edition. No entry for agouty was found in the 1704 edition. In the 1738-42 edition, agouty is on p.208, see image below. Some Trevoux cites are joint cites with Chambers, Harris, or Savary indicating that SJ extracted and compiled the entry from both cited sources.]
Author name and dates: Antoine Furetiere (1619-1688) Dict. pub. at Trévoux after Jesuit editing
BKG Bio-tweet: attorney; abbé; satirist; expelled from Académie Française for private dictionary work; posthumous Dictionaire universel
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 29 Trevoux cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 21 Trevoux cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. One additional Trevoux cite was identified in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below. The title below is the Jesuit Dictionary published at Trévoux, 1704; an edited reprint of Furetière´s Dictionaire universel posthumously published by Bayle; used by Chambers´ Cyclopaedia and Fr. Encyclopédie. The edition of the Dictionnaire de Trevoux used by SJ is unknown. The entry for acacia in the third volume of the 1704 edition is only arbre épimeux (thorny tree), but there is a longer description in the first 1704 volume under sciences and arts. There appears to be the same extended entry for acacia in the c.1740 edition. No entry for agouty was found in the 1704 edition. In the 1738-42 edition, agouty is on p.208, see image below. Some Trevoux cites are joint cites with Chambers, Harris, or Savary indicating that SJ extracted and compiled the entry from both cited sources.]
- Dictionnaire de Trevoux (common name); acacia; agouty; alcove; algebra; ambergris; ammoniac; . . . benzoin; . . . camelopard; . . . ermine; furbelow; gnomonics; ides; loord; lunette; massicot; morel; pennached; . . . roundel; scammony; . . . tangent; . . . trellis; vaudevil.
- Dictionnaire universel françois & latin: contenant la signification et la definition tant des mots de l'une & de l'autre langue, avec leurs differens usages ..., la description de toutes les choses naturelles & artificielles ..., l'explication de tout ce que renferment les sciences & les arts ... : avec des remarques d'erudition et de critique ... : Tome premier[-second];Tome troisième. 1704, A Trevoux: chez Estienne Ganeau .... [BKG Note: the volumes found on Hathitrust; the title physical location is Universidad Complutense de Madrid; image below]
- OR Dictionnaire universel françois et latin contenant la signification et la définition tant des mots de l’une et l’autre langue, avec leurs différents usages, que des termes propres de chaque état et de chaque profession, 1738-42, A Nancy, de l'imprimerie de Pierre Antoine
[BKG Note: there is a searchable 1740-42 Nancy edition at https://www.cnrtl.fr/dictionnaires/anciens/trevoux/menu1.php] - Dictionaire universel, (3 vol.), 1690, The Hague and Rotterdam: Arnoud et Reinier Leers. Preface by Pierre Bayle