Authority Cited: Garth
Author name and dates: Samuel Garth (1661-1719)
BKG Bio-tweet: Popular physician, later to George I; friend of Pope; satirical poetry advanced the provision of medicines to the poor
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: all Garth quotations are likely from the title below; about 76 Garth cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 79 Garth cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. One Garth cite identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below.)
Author name and dates: Samuel Garth (1661-1719)
BKG Bio-tweet: Popular physician, later to George I; friend of Pope; satirical poetry advanced the provision of medicines to the poor
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: all Garth quotations are likely from the title below; about 76 Garth cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 79 Garth cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. One Garth cite identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below.)
- The works of the most celebrated minor poets. Namely, Wentworth, Earl of Roscommon; Charles, Earl of Dorset; Charles, Earl of Halifax; Sir Samuel Garth; George Stepney, Esq; William Walsh, Esq; Thomas Tickell, Esq. Never before collected and publish'd together. In two volumes. 1749 MDCCXLIX. [London : Printed for F. Cogan....] [BKG Note: per Reddick, in The making of Johnson's Dictionary (204), the copy marked by SJ was in the Hyde Collection, presumably now at Harvard. J.D. Fleeman, in Appendix II item 13 in The Sale Catalogue of Samuel Johnson's Library, A Facsimile Edition, 1975, U. of Victoria, (pp. 110-111) indicates that this copy may be only Vol. 1, and only annotated by SJ for Garth, and not the other poets. The 1959 Pierpont Morgan Library Samuel Johnson exhibition, item 113, also says this is only Vol. 1, but says Dorset and Halifax were also annotated in this volume.]
- Dispensary: Wimsatt, in Philosophic Words, p. 152, mentions a separate edition: SAMUEL GARTH. The Dispensary,
a Poem in Six Cantos. 9th ed., With Several Descriptions and Episodes Never Before Printed. London, 1726; act; by (p.194 in 1749 collection); maggot; - Ovid’s Metamorphoses; benight; lash
- Preface to Ovid's Metamorphoses; dissonance; emphatical; fluency; tunable;
- Dedication to Ovid's Metamorphoses; fautress;
- Garth (no work cited);