Authority Cited: Newton [Isaac]
Author name and dates: Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
BKG Bio-tweet: Scientist; mathematician; foundations of classical mechanics (gravitation), calculus, optics; alchemy; biblical chronology
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 250 Newton cites in 1755 Dict. Vol. 1; about 650 Newton cites in Dict. Vol. 2; two cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below. All citations of Newton in the 1755 Dict. appear to be from Opticks. The Opticks was Newton's only scientific work published by Newton in English during his lifetime. Because the Third, Corrected, edition was issued in Newton's lifetime, I propose that it is likely that SJ used this edition rather than the 1st edition of 1704. The sample of about 135 headwords below is principally from the letters A, D, H, L, N, Q, T, and W. The following Isaac Newton items are listed in The Sale Catalogue of Samuel Johnson's Library, A Facsimile Edition, Fleeman, ed.: #58 8. Newtoni optice. . . . [translated into Latin by Samuel Clarke in 1706, apparently without Newton's permission (see Preface of the title above)]; #289 5. Newtoni philosophia, &c. Cant. 1713, &c.; #499 8. Newton's philosophy, 2 v. &c.; #538 Newton's chronology, &c.]
Author name and dates: Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
BKG Bio-tweet: Scientist; mathematician; foundations of classical mechanics (gravitation), calculus, optics; alchemy; biblical chronology
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 250 Newton cites in 1755 Dict. Vol. 1; about 650 Newton cites in Dict. Vol. 2; two cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below. All citations of Newton in the 1755 Dict. appear to be from Opticks. The Opticks was Newton's only scientific work published by Newton in English during his lifetime. Because the Third, Corrected, edition was issued in Newton's lifetime, I propose that it is likely that SJ used this edition rather than the 1st edition of 1704. The sample of about 135 headwords below is principally from the letters A, D, H, L, N, Q, T, and W. The following Isaac Newton items are listed in The Sale Catalogue of Samuel Johnson's Library, A Facsimile Edition, Fleeman, ed.: #58 8. Newtoni optice. . . . [translated into Latin by Samuel Clarke in 1706, apparently without Newton's permission (see Preface of the title above)]; #289 5. Newtoni philosophia, &c. Cant. 1713, &c.; #499 8. Newton's philosophy, 2 v. &c.; #538 Newton's chronology, &c.]
- Opticks; Opticks: or, A treatise of the reflections, refractions, inflections and colours of light. The third edition, corrected. By Sir Isaac Newton, Knt. 1721, London: printed for William and John Innys at the West End of St. Paul's; accelerate; accretion; accurately; accurateness; active; adjacent; aenigma; affect; affirmative; after; alkalizate; allay; alternately; ambient; analysis; angular; aperture; arc; ardent; argue; arithmetical; artist; assimilate (2); association; attenuate; attraction; attractive; attribute; auditory; author; azure; backside; backward; ... calcine; cinnabar; ... daylight; decay; decompound; decrease (2); deep; define; degrees; density; depress; difform; dilatation (cited as Opt. Experim. [in Prop. II, Theorem II]); dilate; dilute (3); diminution; directly; discontinuation; discontinuity; disk; disposition; dissimilar; dissolvable; distillation; distinctly; diverge; divert; downward; dun; duplicate; dusky; ebullition; eccentrical/eccentrick; ... faint; fantasy (phantasy in text); ... globule; glue; ... halo (2); heterogeneal; homogeneal (same quote as heterogeneal); hot; humid; hundredth; ignis; ignis fatuus; ... lap; lastingness; lens (2); let; light; limb; lively; look; lucid; lukewarm; luminous; magnetical (2); magnitude; ... nice; notion; novice; nourishment; objectglass obliquation; ... parallax; parallelopiped; ... phenomenon (phaenomena in quote, added in 1773 Dict.); ... quaver; query; quicksilvered; quiescent; rainbow; raise; ... saline; salt; ... tenacious; tenacity; texture; thereabout; thereby; thinness; through; tinge (2); teeth; traject; transmission; transmutation; tremour; tripoly; twinkle; vapour; variety; ... wave; white (2); whiteness; window; yellow;
- [Review of] Four letters from Sir Isaac Newton to Dr. Bentley, containing some arguments in proof of a Deity, in The Literary Magazine, or Universal Review for the year 1756 vol. 1, p.89; patient (added in 1773 Dict. SJ, as author of the Review, quotes Newton from the letter to Bentley, and again in the 1773 Dict., perhaps from memory)