Authority Cited: Budaeus
Author name and dates: Guillaume Budé (1467-1540)
BKG Bio-tweet: French scholar of Latin, Greek; founder, Francis I library; correspondent of Erasmus, T. More; Calvinist leanings
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: one Budaeus cite for etymology of gallop in 1755 Dict. vol. 1. Budaeus is also mentioned in a Peacham quote under the headword preface. Item 606 in the Sale Catalogue of Johnsons Library, a Facsimile Edition, 1975, Fleeman, is 7. Brudaeus [sic] in graecum linguam.
Author name and dates: Guillaume Budé (1467-1540)
BKG Bio-tweet: French scholar of Latin, Greek; founder, Francis I library; correspondent of Erasmus, T. More; Calvinist leanings
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: one Budaeus cite for etymology of gallop in 1755 Dict. vol. 1. Budaeus is also mentioned in a Peacham quote under the headword preface. Item 606 in the Sale Catalogue of Johnsons Library, a Facsimile Edition, 1975, Fleeman, is 7. Brudaeus [sic] in graecum linguam.
- Commentarii lingvae graecae, Gvlielmo Bvdaeo, consiliario regio, supplicumq́, libellorum in regia magistro, autore: indice latino, & graeco, locupletiore, & diligentiore multo. ... [BKG Note: the edition used by SJ is unknown. Greene, in Samuel Johnson's Library, An Annotated Guide, says the first edition was printed in Paris in 1529.]
- Budaeus (no work cited); gallop