W____n [Waldren]
Wafer [Lionel]
Wake [William]
Walker [William]
Waller [Edmund]
Waller’s Life
Wallis [John]
Walsh [William]
Walton [Izaak]
Wandering Pr.[Prince] of Troy
Warburton [William]
Ward [Seth]
Warton’s Spencer [Thomas Warton; Wharton’s [Warton’s] Isis; Progress of Discontent
Wase [Christopher]
Waterland [Daniel]
(incorrect entries in abstracted and 1st ed. for Watson and Watts: apothegm.; corrected to Walton in 4th.)
Watts [Isaac]; Wat.
Welsted [Leonard]
Wesley [Samuel]
West [Gilbert]
Westmonasteriensis, Matt. [Matthew Paris]
White [Francis]
Whitgift [John]; Whitgifte
Whole Duty of Man; Duty of Man [Allestree?]
Widow and Cat
Wilkins [John]
William of Wickham [Wykeham]
Wise [Francis]
Wiseman [Richard]
Wollaston [William]
Wood [Anthony]
Woodward [John]; Woodw.
Wotton [Henry]
Wycherley [William]
33 (Freed: 28)
Wafer [Lionel]
Wake [William]
Walker [William]
Waller [Edmund]
Waller’s Life
Wallis [John]
Walsh [William]
Walton [Izaak]
Wandering Pr.[Prince] of Troy
Warburton [William]
Ward [Seth]
Warton’s Spencer [Thomas Warton; Wharton’s [Warton’s] Isis; Progress of Discontent
Wase [Christopher]
Waterland [Daniel]
(incorrect entries in abstracted and 1st ed. for Watson and Watts: apothegm.; corrected to Walton in 4th.)
Watts [Isaac]; Wat.
Welsted [Leonard]
Wesley [Samuel]
West [Gilbert]
Westmonasteriensis, Matt. [Matthew Paris]
White [Francis]
Whitgift [John]; Whitgifte
Whole Duty of Man; Duty of Man [Allestree?]
Widow and Cat
Wilkins [John]
William of Wickham [Wykeham]
Wise [Francis]
Wiseman [Richard]
Wollaston [William]
Wood [Anthony]
Woodward [John]; Woodw.
Wotton [Henry]
Wycherley [William]
33 (Freed: 28)
Word where authority first noticed
W____n [Waldren]; B-bum
Wafer [Lionel]; A-administer
Wake [William]; A-assistance
Walker [William]; E-exegetical
Waller [Edmund]; A-abode
Waller’s Life [Francis Atterbury?]; R-repeat
Wallis [John]; A-a
Walsh [William]; A-advance
Walton [Izaak]; A-apothegm (incorrect citation to Watson in 1st); arm; (4th) A-apothegm
Wandering Pr.[Prince] of Troy; Q-quail
Warburton [William]; C-crash
Ward [Seth]; D-dehort
Warton’s Spencer [Thomas Warton]; Wharton’s [Warton’s] Isis; Progress of Discontent; U/V-unfamiliar; D-dimply; (4th) I/J-imposition
Wase [Christopher]; I/J-invocation (Atr. to “Wisem.” in Abstr. Ed.)
Waterland [Daniel]; (4th) F-fruitless; P-press
(Watson's Life of Sanderson, Watts (incorrect entries in 1st and abstracted ed.); A-apothegm; Corrected to Walton in 4th)
Watts [Isaac]; Wat.; A-abstract
Welsted [Leonard]; H-hero (hero not in 4th)
Wesley [Samuel]; T-trump; (4th) C-curious
West [Gilbert]; F-forger
Westmonasteriensis, Matt. [Matthew Paris]; T-trick
White [Francis]; (4th) G-grace
Whitgift [John]; Whitgifte; D-dig
Whole Duty of Man; Duty of Man [Allestree?] (4th) B-bangle
Widow and Cat; P -perfidious
Wilkins [John]; A-able
William of Wickham [Wykeham]; M-man
Wise [Francis]; W-warlock
Wiseman [Richard]; A-abdomen
Wollaston [William]; E-evanescent
Wood [Anthony]; A-abecedarian
Woodward [John]; Woodw.; A-abide; C-cochleated
Wotton [Henry]; A-a
Wycherley [William]; L-lay
W____n [Waldren]; B-bum
Wafer [Lionel]; A-administer
Wake [William]; A-assistance
Walker [William]; E-exegetical
Waller [Edmund]; A-abode
Waller’s Life [Francis Atterbury?]; R-repeat
Wallis [John]; A-a
Walsh [William]; A-advance
Walton [Izaak]; A-apothegm (incorrect citation to Watson in 1st); arm; (4th) A-apothegm
Wandering Pr.[Prince] of Troy; Q-quail
Warburton [William]; C-crash
Ward [Seth]; D-dehort
Warton’s Spencer [Thomas Warton]; Wharton’s [Warton’s] Isis; Progress of Discontent; U/V-unfamiliar; D-dimply; (4th) I/J-imposition
Wase [Christopher]; I/J-invocation (Atr. to “Wisem.” in Abstr. Ed.)
Waterland [Daniel]; (4th) F-fruitless; P-press
(Watson's Life of Sanderson, Watts (incorrect entries in 1st and abstracted ed.); A-apothegm; Corrected to Walton in 4th)
Watts [Isaac]; Wat.; A-abstract
Welsted [Leonard]; H-hero (hero not in 4th)
Wesley [Samuel]; T-trump; (4th) C-curious
West [Gilbert]; F-forger
Westmonasteriensis, Matt. [Matthew Paris]; T-trick
White [Francis]; (4th) G-grace
Whitgift [John]; Whitgifte; D-dig
Whole Duty of Man; Duty of Man [Allestree?] (4th) B-bangle
Widow and Cat; P -perfidious
Wilkins [John]; A-able
William of Wickham [Wykeham]; M-man
Wise [Francis]; W-warlock
Wiseman [Richard]; A-abdomen
Wollaston [William]; E-evanescent
Wood [Anthony]; A-abecedarian
Woodward [John]; Woodw.; A-abide; C-cochleated
Wotton [Henry]; A-a
Wycherley [William]; L-lay