Authority Cited: Bourd [Boorde, Andrew]
Author name and dates: Andrew Boorde (1490-1549)
BKG Bio-tweet: Educated monk, physician (Oxford, Europe); agent for T. Cromwell; entertaining books of knowledge; kept loose women
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary)
Author name and dates: Andrew Boorde (1490-1549)
BKG Bio-tweet: Educated monk, physician (Oxford, Europe); agent for T. Cromwell; entertaining books of knowledge; kept loose women
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary)
- Camden's Remains Concerning Britain: Remaines concerning Britaine their languages. Names. Surnames. Allusions. Anagrammes. Armories. Monies. Empreses. Apparell. Artillarie. Wise speeches. Proverbs. Poesies. Epitaphes. VVriten by VVilliam Camden Esquire, Clarenceux, King of Armes, surnamed the learned. The fift impression, with many rare antiquities never before imprinted. By the industry and care of Iohn Philipot, Somerset Herald. 1636, London: Printed by Thomas Harper, for Iohn Waterson, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Crowne; sit (p.17) . Watkins in Johnson and English Poetry before 1660 (p. 91) concludes that the Bourd (Boorde) quotations for sit and cock on the hoop are taken from Camden. The poem first appeared in the Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge. Another cite from this poem is for frisker, cited as Camden.