Authority Cited: King Charles
Author name and dates: Charles I (1600-1649; r. 1625-1649)
BKG Bio-tweet: Civil war with Puritan, Scotch parliaments over Royal prerogative; executed; Eikon diaries perhaps compiled by others
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 160 King Charles cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 207 King Charles cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. Three additional King Charles cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below. The edition SJ used is unknown; a later edition, such as the 1727 title below seems likely as the orthography of the quotations is modernized (betray versus betraie), and an early edition is less likely to have been heavily marked]
Author name and dates: Charles I (1600-1649; r. 1625-1649)
BKG Bio-tweet: Civil war with Puritan, Scotch parliaments over Royal prerogative; executed; Eikon diaries perhaps compiled by others
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 160 King Charles cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, about 207 King Charles cites in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. Three additional King Charles cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below. The edition SJ used is unknown; a later edition, such as the 1727 title below seems likely as the orthography of the quotations is modernized (betray versus betraie), and an early edition is less likely to have been heavily marked]
- Eikōn basilikē [Greek letters] the pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. Together with his private prayers delivered to Dr. Juxon Bishop of London immediately before his death, &c. Printed anno Dom. 1648, (likely London).OR Eikon Basilike. The pourtraiture of His Sacred Majesty King Charles I. In his Solitudes and Sufferings. Rom. Viii. More than Conqueror, &c. To which is added, The royal martyr; or, the life and death of the said king. Written by Richard Perencheif, D. D. one of His Majesty's Chaplains, 1727, London : printed for D. Browne, J. Walthoe, J. and J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, J. Wyat, R. Wilkin, D. Midwinter, J. Bonwick, A. Bettesworth, R. Robinson, C. Bowyer, J. Downing, W. Mears, R. Gosling, W. and J. Innys, T. Ward, A. Ward, S. Birt, and B. Motte
- [Eikon Basilike] [BKG Note: likely compiled by John Gauden and Jeremy Taylor]; betray; bishop; boundary; boutefeu; bread; brutishly; buoy; . . . earthquake; eccentrical/eccentrick; eclipse; effrontery; effusion; elaborate; election; embase; embroil; encourage; eradiation; erroneous; exacter; exactness; exasperation; exciter; exemplary; exhalation; expiate; express; exquisite; extortion; eye; . . . kindle; kingship; kirk; knapsack; knot; . . . negative; neglective; novel; . . . wantonness; wardship; withe; wontedness; worry; zealot; [BKG Note: all citations of King Charles in the 1755 Dict. appear to be from Eikōn basilikē, as the source of all headword quotations under the letters b, e. k, n, w, and z are from this title.]
- King Charles (no work cited); agitate; arch (SJ notes that Archy was the name of the jester in the court of Charles I and adds an alternative etymology for sense 2.); jester (SJ notes that a jester, or licensed scoffer, was kept at court in the time of Charles the First). See portrait below.
Archy [Archibald Armstrong] (d.1672)
BGK Bio-tweet: Court jester to James I, Charles I; rich from clay pipe monopoly; insolent, mischievous; insulted Laud, banned from Court
BGK Bio-tweet: Court jester to James I, Charles I; rich from clay pipe monopoly; insolent, mischievous; insulted Laud, banned from Court