- Authority Cited: Salernum, School of; Schol. Sal.
BKG Bio-tweet: Latin poem; medical advice; popular manuscript widely circulated; printed from 1480; 1608 English trans. by Harrington
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: one Scol. Sal. cite in 1755 Dict. vol. 1, one school of Salernum cite in 1755 Dict. vol. 2. No School of Salernum cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict. SJ quotes lines from the same stanza about the herb sage; the edition used by SJ is unknown. The quoted lines were found on signature S 3 (image 107 of the digital copy examined, see image below) of the 1491 printing (lines 16, 14). The title page to the left is perhaps from the 1480 printing.]
- Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum; comfort [Dict.: Salvia comfortat nervae, Scol. Sal.; sage [Dict.: "a plant of which the school of Salernum thought so highly, that they left this verse: Cur moriatur cui salvia crescit in horto." An English translation is given in R. DeMaria, Johnson's Dictionary and the Language of Learning, p. 274, n.25.]