Authority Cited: Howel [Howell]; How.
Author name and dates: James Howell (1594?-1666)
BKG Bio-tweet: Royalist, imprisoned 8 years; firsts, in English: made living by writing, wrote epistolary fiction, multi-language grammar
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 118 total Howell cites in 1755 Dict. Vol. 1, about 120 cites in Dict. Vol. 2. The editions that SJ used are unknown. The Howell sources below are based principally on an examination of citations under letter A through L of the 1755 Dict. About 9 Howell citations, indicated in bold italic below, are added in the 1773 Dict.]
Author name and dates: James Howell (1594?-1666)
BKG Bio-tweet: Royalist, imprisoned 8 years; firsts, in English: made living by writing, wrote epistolary fiction, multi-language grammar
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: about 118 total Howell cites in 1755 Dict. Vol. 1, about 120 cites in Dict. Vol. 2. The editions that SJ used are unknown. The Howell sources below are based principally on an examination of citations under letter A through L of the 1755 Dict. About 9 Howell citations, indicated in bold italic below, are added in the 1773 Dict.]
- England’s Tears Englands Tears for the Present Wars (see after p. 150 of the Vocall Forrest title below); belwether; blacksmith; crosier; dilaniate; distaff; draper; influxious; intermissive; jeer; lacerate; loganimity; phlebotomize;
- Letters. Epistolæ Ho-Elianæ : familiar letters domestick and foreign, divided into four books; partly historical, political, philosophical. Upon emergent occasions. By James Howell. The 9th ed., very much corrected. 1726, London: J. Darby, A. Bettesworth, F. Fayram, J. Osborn and T. Longman, J. Pemberton, C. Rivington, J. Hooke, F. Clay, J. Batley, E. Symon; cargason (cargazon in text, inexact quote, perhaps from memory p.209); [BKG Note: there was also a 1754 London edition. The 1st edition was 1655.]
- Parley of Beasts. Thērologia, The parly of beasts, or, Morphandra, queen of the inchanted iland wherein men were found, who being transmuted to beasts, though proffer'd to be dis-inchanted, and to becom men again, yet, in regard of the crying sins and rebellious humors of the times, they prefer the life of a brute animal before that of a rational creture ... : with reflexes upon the present state of most countries in Christendom : divided into a XI sections / by Jam. Howell, Esq. 1660, London: Printed by W. Wilson for William Palmer ... [v.1: 2; v.2: 0]; chronogram; cull;
- Preeminence of Parliament The Pre-eminence and Pedigree of Parlement. (see after p. 191 of the Vocall Forrest title below) [v.1: 3; v.2: 2]; assessment; boatswain; coordination; dock (added in 1773 Dict.; same quote as boatswain); pamphlet; untransferrable;
- Vocal Forrest [Dendrologia (Gr.)]. Dodona's Grove; or, The Vocall Forrest; the Third Edition, more exact and perfect then the former; with the addition of two other tracts; viz. Englands Tears for the Present Wars; And, The Pre-eminence of Parlement. 1645, Cambridge, Printed by R.D. for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold as his shop at the Prince's Arms in S. Paul's Churchyard [v.1: 55; v.2: 42]; actionable; anatomist; antipathetical; arborist; arch; arrearage; article; bang; boggle; bold; calcule; caution; chapel; churlishly; cion; circumvallation; clap; coat; cockpit; colonise; corner-stone; corrigible; cow; crazinss; cross; daintily; debonair; decretal; diaper; eagle-eyed; emulous; endorse; engarrison; ephemerist; evaporation (same quote as adusted); excoriation; excusable; fallow; featherless; fell; fiduciary (same quote as exemplarily); flutter; frippery; fructify; fryingpan; full-summed; genetheliacal; heriot; hierarchy; hilly; hollow; hollowhearted (added in 1773 Dict.; same quote as hollow in 1755 Dict.); humect/humectate; ill; importune (same quote as hierarchy and impertinently); inauguration; indisputably; ink (same quote as illegible); larum; light; lord; loyalist (same quote as fell); malevolently; mandate;
- Howell (no work cited); adusted (VF); amphibolous (ET); ban (VF); bourgeon (VF); break (VF); cantonize (VF); concionatory (VF); crest-fallen (VF); crotchet (VF); cut off (VF); cut out (VF); daisy (VF); eater (VF); embracer (VF); enchain (VF); exemplarily (VF); expand (ET); extraordinarily (PP); fall (VF); fatidical (VF); flexanimous (VF.); fomenter (VF); foolhardy (VF); fuliginous (VF); gardener (ET); giantess (VF); gloss (PP); gravel (ET); grazier (ET); health (VF); illegible (VF); illfavoredly (VF: same quote as ill in 1755 Dict.); impeach (Letters); impertinently (VF; same quote as hierarchy; incorrectly changed to Hooker in 1773 Dict.); incolumity (PP); incomposed (VF); inglorious (ET); innate/innated (VF); inoculation (VF); insolvent (VF); insular (VF); intelligencer (VF); interchange (incorrect citation: should be Raleigh, History of the World Ch. 3); intern (VF); invocation (ET); knobby (VF); light (VF); limbeck (VF: lymbique in text); link (VF: same quote as fuliginous); listner (VF: same quote as light); liturgy (ET: same quote as hierarchy, impertinently, and importune); logomachy (VF); lop (ET: same quote as gardener); moil; poldavy (Letters: inexact quote, perhaps from memory); roarer (Letters); toot (Letters: a later Dict. indicates Letters source and tot in text);