Authority Cited: Walton; Watson’s [Walton’s] Life of Sanderson
Author name and dates: Izaak Walton (1593-1683)
BKG Bio-tweet: Ironmonger; writer; Donne friend; at Royalist defeat retired to land by river; Lives of Donne, others, character portraits
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: About 76 total Walton cites in vol. 1 of the 1755 Dict. and 90 total Walton cites in vol. 2. Four Walston cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below. About 90% of the Walton cites are from the Compleat Angler, and about 15 % of the quotes are used for more than one headword. The 1st edition of the Compleat Angler was 1653, but SJ must have used a later edition as dog-fisher does not appear in the 1st Compleat Angler edition. Thanks to Prof. Beth Rapp Young for pointing out (May 2024) that disabuse appears in the 1750 but not the 1676 edition.]
The compleat angler: or, contemplative man's recreation. in two parts. Containing, I. A large and particular account of rivers, fish-ponds, fish, and fishing: written by the ingenious and celebrated Mr. Isaac Walton. II. The best and fullest instructions how to angle for a trout and Grayling in a clear Stream. By Charles Cotton, Esq; and published by Mr. Walton, [edited by Moses Browne], 1750, London: printed and sold by Henry Kent, at the Printing-Office in Finch-Lane, near the Royal Exchange; apt; arm; augment; ayry; barb; barbel (same quote as barb); bent; bite; biter; bittern; bleak; brancher; brandling; bream; bull-head; bull-trout; caddis; calmer; candock; canker; carrier; chavender; cheerer (same quote as calmer); choicely; chub; cloisteral; conger; contentedness (same quote as calmer); coyness; craber (same quote as bittern); crewel; cropper (same quote as carrier); culverkey; dace (same quote as bleak); dap; demur; desk; dewworm (same quote as brandling); disabuse (cited as Waller's Angler in 1755 and 1773 editions); diverter (same quote as calmer); docibleness; dog-fisher (definition error: Walton refers to an otter, not a fish); drag; drip; expire; falcon; fallingsickness (same quote as dog-fisher); fitchat; flag; flag-worm; float; flout; flyfish; fortunetell; fulimart (same quote as fitchat); gentle (same quote as flag-worm); gill; grayling; ground-bait; grow; hackle; haggard; harmlessly; hawthorn (1755 Dict. only); hawthorn fly (same quote as hawthorn); hen-driver; hurt; inspire; jaw; lady's-smock (same quote as culverkey); lamprey; leather-mouthed; leger; lentner (same quote as haggard); leverook; limp; loach; lob (same quote as brandling); mallard; marsh; may-fly; medicinible; mew; milt; milter; minnow (2); moderator; mouldwarp; nurse; oh; paddock; peascod; peckled; perch; pickerel-weed; pike; pope; procurer; puet; reate; recarry; roach; ruff; runt; salmon; salmontrout; samlet; saw; scotch; scour; short; skegger; skull; sniggle; so; somniferous; spawner; sportiveness; sticklebag; sug; summersault; sunrise; sweet; swelter; swift; sycamine/sycamore; tackling; tagtail; throstle; titlark; trespasser; valiant; unbed; undervaluer; usery; watch; water; waterlilly; waterrat; wattle (2); wear; wet; whistle (same quote as wet); willowish; winter; yield;
Author name and dates: Izaak Walton (1593-1683)
BKG Bio-tweet: Ironmonger; writer; Donne friend; at Royalist defeat retired to land by river; Lives of Donne, others, character portraits
Categories (list of works cited – preliminary) [BKG Note: About 76 total Walton cites in vol. 1 of the 1755 Dict. and 90 total Walton cites in vol. 2. Four Walston cites were identified as added in the 1773 Dict., indicated in bold italic below. About 90% of the Walton cites are from the Compleat Angler, and about 15 % of the quotes are used for more than one headword. The 1st edition of the Compleat Angler was 1653, but SJ must have used a later edition as dog-fisher does not appear in the 1st Compleat Angler edition. Thanks to Prof. Beth Rapp Young for pointing out (May 2024) that disabuse appears in the 1750 but not the 1676 edition.]
The compleat angler: or, contemplative man's recreation. in two parts. Containing, I. A large and particular account of rivers, fish-ponds, fish, and fishing: written by the ingenious and celebrated Mr. Isaac Walton. II. The best and fullest instructions how to angle for a trout and Grayling in a clear Stream. By Charles Cotton, Esq; and published by Mr. Walton, [edited by Moses Browne], 1750, London: printed and sold by Henry Kent, at the Printing-Office in Finch-Lane, near the Royal Exchange; apt; arm; augment; ayry; barb; barbel (same quote as barb); bent; bite; biter; bittern; bleak; brancher; brandling; bream; bull-head; bull-trout; caddis; calmer; candock; canker; carrier; chavender; cheerer (same quote as calmer); choicely; chub; cloisteral; conger; contentedness (same quote as calmer); coyness; craber (same quote as bittern); crewel; cropper (same quote as carrier); culverkey; dace (same quote as bleak); dap; demur; desk; dewworm (same quote as brandling); disabuse (cited as Waller's Angler in 1755 and 1773 editions); diverter (same quote as calmer); docibleness; dog-fisher (definition error: Walton refers to an otter, not a fish); drag; drip; expire; falcon; fallingsickness (same quote as dog-fisher); fitchat; flag; flag-worm; float; flout; flyfish; fortunetell; fulimart (same quote as fitchat); gentle (same quote as flag-worm); gill; grayling; ground-bait; grow; hackle; haggard; harmlessly; hawthorn (1755 Dict. only); hawthorn fly (same quote as hawthorn); hen-driver; hurt; inspire; jaw; lady's-smock (same quote as culverkey); lamprey; leather-mouthed; leger; lentner (same quote as haggard); leverook; limp; loach; lob (same quote as brandling); mallard; marsh; may-fly; medicinible; mew; milt; milter; minnow (2); moderator; mouldwarp; nurse; oh; paddock; peascod; peckled; perch; pickerel-weed; pike; pope; procurer; puet; reate; recarry; roach; ruff; runt; salmon; salmontrout; samlet; saw; scotch; scour; short; skegger; skull; sniggle; so; somniferous; spawner; sportiveness; sticklebag; sug; summersault; sunrise; sweet; swelter; swift; sycamine/sycamore; tackling; tagtail; throstle; titlark; trespasser; valiant; unbed; undervaluer; usery; watch; water; waterlilly; waterrat; wattle (2); wear; wet; whistle (same quote as wet); willowish; winter; yield;
- Life of Bishop Sanderson; The Life of Dr. Sanderson, Late Bishop of Lincoln, 1678, London : Printed for Richard Marriot; apothegm (Watkin's); bookseller (Saunderson); committee; complete; gray; illogical; imposer; indispose; king; matriculate; nightwalk; pertinaceous; professorship; puritanical; puritanism; sad; self; simony; standing (1755 Dict. only); subrector; visiter; [BKG Note: per Reddick in The Making of Johnson's Dictionary (204), The Life of Dr. Sanderson (1678), marked by SJ, is in the National Library of Wales - BX.5199.S2.W23; Lot 244 (octavo) of the Sale Catalogue of Samuel Johnson's Library, A Facsimile Edition, Fleeman, ed. is "10. Life of Dr. Sanderson, &c."]