What can you find on this web site?
- An opportunity to explore 460 authors and authorities, alphabetically arranged, that Johnson used to define word meaning, illustrate use, or determine etymology (where the word came from).
- Titles of the works of each author that Johnson recorded in the Dictionary as the source of a quotation, definition, or etymology.
- Validation of the appearance of each author or authority in the word list by identification of a headword associated with each (below each list of Author Names).
- Biographical information on all identified authors: (birth and death dates, a portrait when available, and a very brief bio).
- On the home page, links to other information including context on the authors' relation to world historical events, the number of authors cited by Johnson from various time periods and an educated guess on the number of quotations from each time period.
- On the home page, links to some thoughts about alternative approaches to a collaborative internet editing of the Dictionary word list.
- A useful web site Search capability. Note: you can search for a book title as well as an author! (The History Relevant to Authors page and the Temporal Summary page will not be searched as these pages were uploaded as entire documents.)
- Looking to the future, the ability for the web page Administrator to authorize others to add or modify content on specific web site pages.